Peace in the Journey | A Blog About Finding Peace and Meaning in Life

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4 pursuit of peace

I've been asked repeatidly over the years why I run. And been encouraged to write in one form or another, so without overanalyzing the content too much, this is my first blog.  (pardon typos or grammatical errors, please)Why do I run?  And why do I write?If I wasn't in the extraordinarily profitable career of social work (soon to be exclusively in private practice), I'd be a writer.  I'd like to say I'd also be a professional runner but with my freakishly short legs that are apparently prone to injury...really, who am I kidding?So why do I run? There are a myriad of reasons of "why" I run that would make more sense to others than the real "reason"....yes, It's good for my health, yes, I want to be a good role model for my kids, & yes, it's better than sitting on the couch eating bon bons (are those really "real" anyway).... But the truth is running helps me to find peace in my life.My mind never shuts off.  It is in constant motion of what I need to do and be in my life.  When I'm running...I try to turn that off and find peace in the moment. I'm in pursuit of peace.For a few moments, I found that in of all places, "Dirt"....About a month ago, I was asked to join- at the last minute and in utter desperation- an all male relay team in a race called Dances with Dirt.  It's a 62 mile relay race, mostly trails, through poison ivy, swamps, the forrest, hills, back roads, and some really disgusting thing I prefer to refer to as a "mud bog" but I'm quite certain it is many things, but ONLY mud it is not.Without hesitation I said "yes"....I know.  I'm a runner.  What's the big deal?  If you have spent any amount of time with me you can quickly learn:  I  (a) don't like getting dirty, (b) am horribly afraid of snakes and creatures that may live in the woods (c) I have a horrible sense of direction (literally, I can get lost in a cardboard box) and probably most characteristic of me (d) I hate to be out of control.So what did I learn running dirt?(A) Dirt or mud or cow poo comes off with a shower.  And throwing away an old pair of shoes and knee socks was really liberating knowing what I did to get them dirty!  (B) There are few snakes and wild creatures out there in the forrest trying to get me as I had presumed that'd be! (C) Even when I get lost, somehow I'll always find my way back.  Yes, I got lost 3 times in the forrest and am thankful to the 42 year old girl named Charrise from Pickney who helped me (and I helped her through the 'mud' bog) and the cute Scottish guy in a kilt who rain aimlessly with me until we got back on track.  Maybe it was because he was watching me from behind as I ran up the stripper pole portion of the route?  hmmm... and (D) being out of control is ok, because at hard as I try in my life to control the where, when, why, and how things happens or doesn't happen how it's meant to me.  And really, there is peace in that for me.At the end of the exhausting 62 mile relay, I felt incredibly peaceful. I am hoping to do "Dirt" again, not only because it secretly (and not so secretly now) makes me laugh when my friend now refers to me as "Dirt Girl"....but because I want to keep on pushing myself beyond my comfort zone to see what I'm capable of in life.  I'm not content with mear existence anymore.So, why do I write?  To get the thoughts in my head out and to try to inspire others to find peace in their own lives, wherever that jouney may take you.  A friend of mine crossed stitched a quote I try to live my life by that reads "peace for the reality, strength for the journey."..... no fancy author or famous person coined it.  The author, this time is just me.  Someday possibly famous author, and someday Boston Marathon Runner...but until then, I'll be content with Michelle Polcyn Warren, in pursuit of peace......