Peace in the Journey | A Blog About Finding Peace and Meaning in Life

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Finding gratitude......

In thinking about what I'm truly thankful for this Thanksgiving, it would be easy to simply write my family, my friends, my job....etc.  It isn't that I'm ungrateful for all of the people and things in my life that make my life, well "my life"....but I began to think, what if I was faced with the task of being thankful for all the things that "didn't" happen in my life or the challenges that have made my life journey sometimes difficult?I decided to look at some of mine this year, trying to find a deeper sense of gratitude, inspired by lessons learned in the face of adversity or unanswered prayers.I'm thankful for my parents not giving me everything I wanted in life.  For all the unpurchased pairs of Jordache jeans.  Not "just" because I can look back and honestly say that I have never worn the painted on hideously unattractive jeans of yesteryear.  I did, admittedly, have PLENTY of other questionably fashionable statements over the years.  I did wear Doc Martins and jean overalls at one point.  Yes, my style has had some speed bumps over the years.  However, I'm thankful that my parents set boundaries of what I "need" and "want".  They didn't always give in to me, and helped me to understand at an early age that who I am, not what I have, is most important in life.I'm thankful for all the times I moved, for the new schools and neighborhoods, and for the times I felt friendless.  I'm thankful for the lessons the solitude tought me.  It helped me to learn the difference between being alone and being lonely.  I'm thankful for my calm and reflective nature, and hope that helps me to be a better therapist to my clients.  And to really cherish my friendships.I'm thankful for my failures in life.  For failed tests, relationships that ended & teams I didn't make.  They tought me to study harder, and take pride in being on the Dean's list in college and excelling in graduate school.  For learning when to say goodbye, and being able to see each relationship in life as having some value and lesson to teach me, even if it meant that I needed to change and move on.  They tought me to silence that inner voice that said I'm not good enough, and work harder to achieve my goals.  While I didn't make the 7th grade cheerleading team, I have completed 3 full and 7 half marathons.  I've proved to myself that I am an athlete even if the judges in 7th grade didn't see my potential!  My failures in life (oh there are many others...) ended up to be the very events that motivated me to succeed, helping me to be resilient and independent.  The words "I can't" no longer exist in my vocabulary, and I hope I've instilled that philosophy in my kids as well.Lastly, I'm thankful for the lessons I've learned from my Dad's cancer.  Ouch!  How do I see the thankfulness in this?  I'm thankful for the example of love and devotion of my parents.  Thankful for seeing my Mom at her best in days that were undoubtedly her worst.  Thankful for seeing her somehow balance the care for my grandpa who had Parkinson's disease, my Dad who had cancer, and my son Jacob while I was in graduate school, all at the same time.   Thankful for her example of selflessness and strength.  I'm thankful for knowing at an early age (23) the fragility of life.  For not taking tomorrow for granted.  I'm thankful for the vacations it forced us to take even if we couldn't always afford it, the toasts we made to life, the priorities it forced me set, and for the lessons of faith, even in the midst of sadness.Quote for today...."Life isnt' about what happens to you, it's about how you handle what happens." (Nicholas Evans)Hope you all have a truly Thankful Thanksgiving....Peace.......