Peace in the Journey | A Blog About Finding Peace and Meaning in Life

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peace with letting go of rote response "I'm fine"......

'I'm fine", or "I'm ok", or "I'm dandy" or "I'm perfect.""Sally" rushes into my office.  Plunks down on the couch and in response to "how are you this week?" she states "I'm doing fine."  For months, she's been all over the board with issues and topics and concerns.  Sally struggles with depression but hesitant to delve too deep into her issues.  Rather, she prefers to focus on the myriad of issues of her family members.  We decided to try a guided imagery to help her to relax, and center.  Music playing, I began to lead Sally through a simple guided imagery to relax her body and find her inner guide.  Tears began to stream down her face.As we finished the meditation, Sally began to sob in my office.  All the months of saying "I'm fine", and my doubting that was really true (because honestly, NO ONE pays me to chat with me when all is ok.  dandy. perfect. or "fine" in his/her life), suddenly the walls came down and we were able to start working on why she came to see me in the first place.It started me Sally's façade, really, all that different from the one most of us use in our daily lives?  How many times have you said "I'm ok.  I'm fine.  I'm dandy (ok that is my personal favorite) or I'm perfect" and really been anything but that?Truths I know from being a social worker for now most of my life.  No one is fine, or ok, or dandy or perfect all the time.  No one.  And tears- no matter how painful- eventually cease.I remember when my Dad was sick, I made him a little wooden flip chart that had "I'm doing fine, thanks." on it for him to put on his desk.  It also had three other sides that read something like "Having a rough day, thanks for thinking of me" or "not feeling well, but thanks for asking"....... a way for him to communicate how he really was feeling, without having to get into details all that much with others.Maybe that is a key?  To be able to be honest with others about how we're doing without having to get into the details. Doesn't knowing there is someone else in the world who has walked down a similar path help to lift our spirits if only just a little?"We need never be ashamed of our tears." Charles Dickens.So..... today I'm thinking rather than saying "I'm dandy" when I'm not I will try to live my life more authentically so my rote response becomes my genuine feeling.Peace and happy Thursday.  It's almost Friday.  And what's not to love about that?