Peace in the Journey | A Blog About Finding Peace and Meaning in Life

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peace and I don't know the title this week.....

Monday.  Snow.  Cold.  It's almost spring, but it feels like winter. Looks like winter.Within the past week I've gone/come back from Florida.  Spent some quality time with my parents & their friends, walked on the beach (ran on the beach....still hurting foot to prove that I made this silly and overrated mistake), went out to dinner with Grandma Gloria, celebrated St. Paddy's Day (like all the other Irish-wannabe's in our country) and spent some time with old friends we haven't seen in a while.  Going here there and everywhere but feeling horribly unproductive.I was reading another friend's blog late last week.  She has recently started to stay at home after a career long of working outside the home.  Trying to adjust to the new norm of not having a set schedule, expectations in the home and the financial stress it puts on a family.... my friend's blog hit home. That's me!Even though I continue to work in private practice seeing clients a few days a week, I'm finding my week not structured enough.  I have all these grandiose plans, but find my list continuing week to week with many items not crossed off.  I need to be busier.I remember reading somewhere, if you need something done, ask a busy person.  It is making more and more sense to me the longer I don't have a full-time (or hours equivalent) job.  I'm watching mindless TV, sleeping more and feeling even more exhausted, running less consistently, and can't figure out what I want to do when I grow up.  Smiling..... Yes, I'm aware I'm already a grown up.  A friend of mine, in conversation yesterday, said he doesn't think this is my last stop in my career..... hmmmm.  Wonder what he knows that I do not?  Truth is I'm just not sure what I'm supposed to be doing, and it's rather disconcerting not knowing for the first time in my life what I am meant to be doing.Track starts this week for both boys and I coach one of their teams.  I look forward to the routine of daily workouts, seeing the kids who are just starting as "runners" and having a few hours each day that I get to spend with my kids, their friends and the other coaches.  I have a plague above my working space that reads:"A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove....but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."I've always loved that plaque.  I hope I've made and continue to make a difference in the lives of the kids I know from track.Bras for a Cause fundraising committee started meeting a couple of weeks ago too.  Ok, I was very non-committal on joining the committee again.  Not because I don't believe in the event and the mission of the charity it supports (, nor because I don't enjoy working with the committee.  I do! Rather, I was thinking I'm over-extended and need to cut back this year.  But really, what am I cutting back to do? Watch more TV?  Sit on the couch more with Layla (Ok....I do so love that!)  But really I am happier when I am doing, and most particularly doing for I'm almost certainly probably most likely committed to joining the committee again.  I think.Still snowing....I think I almost thought if I continued writing long enough, the snow would stop.  Alas.... it is still snowing.  Mid March.  When will we all learn that living in Michigan includes, snow.  In March.  And possibly April.So until I figure out where my path is leading me, I'll celebrate the opportunity my less than packed schedule affords me to contemplate where I am going....Quote for today.... "If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.  And guess what they have planned for you?  Not much." Jim Rohn.Hmmm...interesting....Peace and Happy Monday.  Yes...Snowy- Monday.