Peace in the Journey | A Blog About Finding Peace and Meaning in Life

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peace in having running friends who get me....

A few years back an acquaintance of mine asked me what my running pace was for a race.  Somewhat embarrassed at my slow pace, I admitted 9:30 per which he responded "Wow! That's fast!"Um, no, it isn't, but that was very kind.  It occurred to me in that moment that for those who do not run, times/paces/mundane details probably have little or no meaning.  Not unlike any other activity or sport, unless you are in the midst of it, certainly those around you are thinking "um, really, with this conversation again?"I get it.  I get it.  Recently, I was thinking about all the mundane things I talk about during and after runs with my "running friends" that I am sure are either meaningless or exceedingly boring to others. Thank you in advance who all dare to continue to read after my disclaimer.....During a long run, I have been known to utter the following phrases....more than once....

  • "The wind can't possibly be at our face still once we turn this corner, right?"
  • "How can we possibly be only running a 10 minute mile?  I feel like we're FLYING!"
  • "I think I need new shoes.....didn't I say that last long run?"
  • "When is the next water break?"
  • "Ya think I'd be thinner with all the running I do.  Imagine if I 'didn't' run?"
  • "Think I need music to drown out my breathing right now...."
  • "Why do we run again?"

As much as I sometimes complain about running, I actually LOVE it.  I love how it makes me feel when I find my "groove."  I love how I feel after I am done.  I love how I can push my body to go beyond what I think it's capable of doing, and succeed.  I love the meditative state I get from running.  And I love the friends I have made along the way who understand this madness.Those who are on this journey with me understand the meaning behind:

  • Gu.  No, contrary to my best friend Erin's description, it DOES NOT taste like frosting no matter what flavor you try.  Disgusting.  But necessary for long runs in attempts to try to avoid the proverbial "wall."
  • Foam rolling and/or stretching really shouldn't just be something we make our track kids do when we're coaching.  We should all practice this.  I'll start...tomorrow..... maybe.
  • Temperature on any given Saturday morning has more to do with how many layers you may or may not need and less to do with your fashion sense and color coordination.
  • Balancing water intake with potty breaks is a very, very serious process.
  • Knowing where bathrooms are on your long runs is vital.
  • Port-a-pottys are even worse if you need to use them "after" a race.  Trust me.
  • Shoes.  Once you find a pair that works, few runners are wiling to switch brands, no matter how "cute" the other pair is.  After awhile, they all stink.
  • Blisters, black toe nails or ones that fall off (yes...shhh...they do that sometimes!) - a great excuse to get pedicures more often.  But never, ever, ever, ever right before a race.  Ever. 
  • There are days you don't feel like running.  Surrounding yourself with others who run allows for positive peer pressure so you don't roll over in bed, again, and skip your long run.
  • Even "bad" runs are "good runs".....

.....Remember your worst run is always 100 percent better than the person who never tries.  You'll never regret going for a run, but you'll always regret not going......

  • Body Glide is your body's friend.  If you have ever chaffed after a run, you will never, ever forget this.
  • Hills are our friend.  Really.
  • Better to have something and not need it than need it and not have it.  Nothing can cause obsessive thoughts more on a run than "Gosh my hands are freezing....sure wish I had gloves right now."
  • Sleep the night before a long run or race is highly over-rated.  No I mean often challenging but oh how nice it would be.  Race day jitters are par for the course.  For everyone.
  • "There is always someone slower than the slowest runner.  Scientists are still trying to figure out how this is possible, but it's true.  So if you are using that as your excuse not to run.  Stop." ~ Runner's world editor.

Last week, I had a horrible, awful, oh my gosh why am I running kind of run.  This week....I ran a consistent and encouraging 10 mile run and felt fantastic after it.  Like most things in life, it's mind over matter.Ending blog today with a new favorite quote...."Run when you can, walk if you have to, and crawl if you must; just never give up!" Dean KarnazesPeace and Happy Running or doing whatever it is that gives you peace in your life.