Peace in the Journey | A Blog About Finding Peace and Meaning in Life

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Peace in the "taper"......

Many more great posts at  ♥ @[270321286408419:274:Words To Inspire the Soul] ♥   Click for more beautiful and meaningful quotes and images ♥ .I often run with friends- at races especially!  This week, however, I'm preparing for a half marathon sans my normal cheering crew or running friends who train with me.I'm apprehensive.  I'm trying to not think about the worry of copycats attempting to emulate the tragedy that occurred in Boston.  To focus on that scenario, and let's face it none of us can safely and with certainty say is out of the realm of possibility, would simply make me stand in place in terror and cease from doing races all together.  I refuse to do that.Rather, I am going about my week thinking about all the other weeks I've prepared for a race.  Runners, on a whole, are a bit of an OCD crowd.  As a therapist, I mean no disrespect to those who acutely struggle with OCD, but in reality, most runners I know have many rituals and routines that surround race week and the day of the event.  Making lists.  Going over the lists.  Rewriting the lists.  Going over what you need for the race.  Re-organizing the items.  Going over the lists in your mind...over and over and over again.  It makes me feel normal discussing with other runners!So my week looks a little like this (other than work and family and track coaching and Grandma Gloria stuff)

  • Remembering to not get competitive with my other running friends who are running longer distances than me this week gearing up for their long runs while I'm embarking on my taper.  Light week of running that gives your body a break leading up to a race.  Yes.  It's a struggle for me.  I ran 8 miles on Saturday and felt like a slacker when a friend of mine ran 13.  Yes...that might be a problem.  Just saying.....
  • Picking out the running attire (I'd say "outfit" but that makes me sound WAY to "girly".....Ok, Ok,....I am wearing my favorite running skirt and my new lululemon tank top unless I can find the one I really want sometime this week....Don't judge!).
  • Making sure I have updated songs for my play list on my iPod.  I don't run with music with my friends, but this is a solo race for me and for the sanity of the runners who will be similarly paced, I think it's best I have some music to calm my nerves while I'm running.  I don't want to freak out total strangers.
  • Sleep.  I will be in bed as early as possible.  All. Week. Long.  Runners rarely sleep the night before a race so it's best to focus on the nights before that, especially 2 nights before.  Yes, this is a wide-spread-runner issue.  Not just "Michelle the Sleep Challenged" issue.
  • Pasta.  I will eat the night before.  The more generic the better.  Pasta with marinara sauce and plain bread is fine with me.  Others like to have meat?  May be because I'm fairly close to making transition to becoming vegetarian, meat is not my choice.  But whatever a runner's choice, believe you me, if one can't find that meal the night that throw a person off for race day.
  • Checking the weather. I think I do it almost hourly.
  • Body Glide (to help with avoiding chaffing)
  • Gu (to help replace glucose you burn during running)
  • Hair ties, Flip flops (post race must), Sunglasses, Advil (before and after.  Not "advised" before, but it's a MUST with me with my ongoing piriformis syndrome), Tums (it isn't natural to have Gatorade and Gu in your stomach in short period of time), Chargers for phone and Ipod, Lip Balm, Sunscreen, Hat, Crappy outfit to throw off before the race if it is cold in the morning, Vitamin Water, My ID, Directions to the expo.....

The list goes on and on....The course is said to be hilly.  Southeastern Michigan is not all that hilly.  Admittedly it intimidates me.  But I know a few things to be true....

  • In training....I attack hills.  My friends will all attest, my pace may be slower on other parts of a training run, but I'm usually the first person up a hill when we're running together.  I kick ass on hills.  I may not be singing the same tune if the hills are what I'm anticipating this weekend but I'm rehearsing that mantra in my head all-week-long!
  • Challenges are there to teach me something.  About myself.  About my running.  About life.  I read something last week that said something about "we learn more from our challenges in life than our successes".....I concur.  If life is easy all the time, what's the point in pushing oneself further?

There is no doubt in my mind that I'll be thinking about all those who ran and cheered on the runners at Boston this year.  I am dedicating this race to all those who are no longer able to run, and whose lives will never be the same because of the evil of others.  The running community is tight- attacking those in Boston was an attack on all of us.  No matter how scared, or tired, or weak I am, I refuse to give up this weekend! I refuse to allow fear to win.Quote for the day....."Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength." Corrie ten Boom.Love.  Love.  Love that quote.  Singing a little joyous tune in my head, remembering the great gift I have to be able to run this weekend and celebrate life in doing so.  Peace and Happy Monday everyone!