Peace in the Journey | A Blog About Finding Peace and Meaning in Life

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Peace......remembering the monsoon that followed me to Nashville......

How could I "not" write about Nashville? For months, I've been training to run the half marathon.  Snow, sleet, freezing temperatures, early morning rising, driving to find varying elevations to help prepare for the hills in Nashville.....and countless other little steps in preparation for an out-of-town race. It is what I focused on to get me through the difficult Michigan winter/early spring.Getting into the car with my companions on the journey, Walter and Ted, we set out for the long car ride ahead.  Snacks/maps/a community cowboy (or girl) hat, a playlist of funny and poignant country music songs set the mood for the planned destination.  We made our way south.  Then, the rain came.....Race morning the rain had now been over the city for a full 12+ hours.  As we arrived at the corrals (starting area based on your pace time for the race), the rain began to fall harder, and the skies turned a darker shade of grey.  Standing quietly in my coral (Walter and Fred are in a faster corral) I began my pre-race prayer, asking God for strength to help me finish the race.  I thought of all of my running friends who ran with me over the past few months, and my family who gave me the courage to even think of getting to the starting line.The American Anthem played.  Silence filled the corals.The gun went off signaling the beginning of the race, and one by one corrals were dismissed to run through the streets of Nashville.The hilly (and coming from Metro Detroit, WOW! I mean HILLY!) streets were lined with dedicated and possibly crazy marathon spectators.  Country music bands attempted to (and succeeded for a moment) distract the very wet and cold runners. One sign held by a spectator read "This parade sucks"...I smiled.  Creative.13.1 miles is a long time to be alone in your own thoughts.  This is a glimpse of the randomness that goes through my thoughts in a race.....

  • Is the rain ever going to stop?
  •  I should've worn a better jacket that was possibly water proof.
  • How can that be the "first" art center?  How do they know?  Oh's the "Frist" Art Center.  Laughing......
  • I'm so cold.  How are people wearing only tank tops and shorts/skirts?  Aren't they cold?  Can I actually be colder?
  • Avoid the puddles.  Avoid the puddles.  My feet will get wet- er.  No wait, could they even be "wet-er" (yes, I know that's not proper grammar).....they are already squishy in my shoes.
  • Why am I not faster, I'd be nearly finished by now.
  • My friends are done.  Damn them.  laughing.....
  • I love the vibe in this city.  I wish it weren't raining.....
  • Finally, most importantly for my personal running experience, I am not in pain (piriformis injury issue).....I am just slow for the course and the elements.  Big.  Sigh.  Of relief.

You see, for me, Nashville isn't my final destination, though I admit I so could live there ....rather it is part of my journey.  I will be training for the Marine Corps Full marathon in the fall, and continue to find other half and full marathons along the way in life.  I want to keep running because I am a marathon runner.  It is difficult to explain to others what running means to me.  I've been asked countless times, and continue to stumble over my words in an effort to explain.  This weekend, I saw this video (see below), it comes close to explaining the madness that exists in my head about my love/hate relationship I sometimes have with running, and the conversations I've had with others people along the way about my running.....I was literally in tears laughing at this video. the rain that never. ever. ever. was a wonderful race and great city to visit.Random thoughts:  Most bars have live bands- The Honky Tonk has live bands on all 3 floors!  The people are every bit as friendly as you've been told over the years. Thank you to Felice and her husband Joe for hosting us for dinner Friday night.  Your home was lovely and the food fantastic.  Thank you to Gilda's Club Nashville for letting us crash your post race party.  Thank you to the fine people of Nashville for making the experience, albeit soggy, a music filled adventure to remember.  Thank you to my traveling companions, Walter and Fred, for not only putting up with my running neurosis, but embracing it along with me. Thank you to the lovely house band who played "Red Solo Cup" for the first time for "Walter".  Seeing his face as they dedicated it to him was priceless.Quote for the day....."Better to be strong than pretty and useless" Lilith the end of the race, I was certain I was not pretty or useful for much of anything other than shivering....but I felt stronger and more alive than I've felt in a very long time.  Thankful the experience, and at peace with the monsoon that was my journey in Nashville.....Sincerely, "Fiona".....cute factor in the "WTF" gang.