Finding peace in the January blahs....
For so long I thought peace was something that would just "happen" I've prayed for it for YEARS....certainly God is listening to me, right?Frustrating....there are days it's like crickets....nothing....FRUSTRATING....Then somewhere in the past month, it started to come to me, maybe peace really is in the journey. In the chaos, bad news, struggles, hardships, joys, sorrows, laugher, the process of learning to let go and choose a peaceful state no matter the circumstance one is facing in order to truly appreciate what "being at peace" is all about? I stumbled upon this...." does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work; it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." unknown....It's so much easier to be peaceful and happy when all is good in life, but soooooooooooooooooooo much harder when life is the doldrums of day-to-day, the sloshing through the blackened snow on the side of the road, the oh my gosh what am I possibly going to pull together for dinner tonight kind of days....But that's exactly when we need to center and find peace, right? Who isn't peaceful when the sun is shining and you're sitting on the beach relaxing with your family/friends and drinking a cold beverage? But if everyday was like that, would we really appreciate the good days? I'm told "no"....I'm not totally sure I buy it.....but maybe?So....what do we do? Surrender to January blahs? Or actively work towards finding that inner peace?Certainly the path towards peace is different for everyone one, but what is sorta helping me right now get through this horribly dreary month is:
- Baking. Who knew I'd have such an urge to bake even being on a mostly juice fast/feast? I know baking is my way of giving to others, it is my art form if you will, and I find peace in doing for others. Easy.
- Yoga. Still wonderful calming and I'm still horrible although ever so slightly not as horrible at doing it. I still have tears at the end of each workout and proud of the inner calm and meditative state I am able to achieve each workout. Thankful to Kacee for great yoga sessions and keeping me motivated.
- Running. Yes, still running. Not far right now (though I really need to up my miles soon as the marathon I'm scheduled to run isn't going to run itself).
- Prayers. Listing to music. Tasting new vegetable juice combinations. Making my own sweet potato baked fries. Playing fetch with my wonder dog, Layla. Driving Miss Gloria. Wearing cool boots. My new "26.2" bracelet made by my running friend Tanya. LOVE IT! Watching the snow fall. Listening to clients in session and feeling honored that I'm the one person in the world they are able to confide in, and watching the process begin to transform their life. Breakfast with friends. Tea with friends. Helping my mom get ready for a family party and calm her down in the midst of the chaos. Hugging my teenage son and feeling him sink into my hug. Getting my hair done and return back to its natural color (ha). Texting silly banter with friends. Listening to my youngest son giggle with his friends.....
5 minutes....a simple exercise to sit still and think...what brings me peace? Am I choosing to focus on those things, or the negativity that surrounds us in our world, whether we invite it or not. It's a choice. Today....what are you choosing?Final thought...perfect for today...."Don't let the behaviors of others destroy your inner peace." Dalai Lama.Peace and Happy Tuesday......