Fighting through the "I'm not Enough".....
30 day yoga challenge.
I signed up for the challenge at my yoga studio, initially because I'm not one to shy away from a challenge. Actually that is a new concept to me, the adult self doesn't shy away from a challenge, the child/adolescent ran from them. Sometimes I wonder if I get myself into things in the beginning because there is little voice in my head (not "really", so breathe a sigh of relief my therapist or therapist wanna-be friends reading today's post) telling me I'm not "good enough" or "strong enough" or "enough" to do things. Growing up and not feeling particularly confident, and thinking to myself for most of my life that confidence and happiness came from outside and if only I had x, y, or z I'd be has taken me so long to get to the place to realize if I am to be happy, I need to center inward.
So I sign up for this challenge, motivated by the reduced fee for next months classes, perhaps...but mostly because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. Now, in retrospect it "might" not have been such a great idea to pair it with my marathon training in full swing, but again, I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Now.
I think back to myself as a teen, insecure, shy, and uncomfortable. I thrived on being part of the background. How I wish my 43 year old self could have told my 16 year old self the following (and I wish even more, my 16 year old self would've listened)
- Don't give up on yourself. You are good enough, strong enough, and "enough" to do anything you want to do.
- Worry less about what others think, and concentrate more on defining what you really think.
- Smoking never makes you look cool. Ever. Yes, I smoked as a teen. And NO, I do not now. I am borderline obnoxious when I'm around it.
- Don't overvalue those who undervalue you. Don't overvalue those who undervalue you.
- Be proud of the talents you have been given rather than wishing you had the talents of another.
- Feeling insecure, uncertain, awkward, and imperfect is all about the human condition. The more we accept the feelings, the less they control us and eventually those feelings, like all feelings, fade away and are replaced by feelings of confidence, peace, and acceptance.
- Be who you are and say how you feel, those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Dr. Seuss. Always good reminder.
Doing yoga every day offers not only 1 hour a day for my body, but it also offers 1 hour a day of mind and spirit work. I am as shocked as anyone that yoga does this! My pre December 2013 self and certainly my 16 year old self would've never believed this to be true! But sitting on the mat allows me (and all yogis I presume) time to reflect on one's inner demons, challenges, and contemplation of being good enough, strong enough, and "enough" to do whatever we want or dream to do in life.
So my 43 year old self wants all insecure, shy, uncomfortable 16 year olds out there to dream big. Live large. Make choices as if they all matter. For what we do at 16 prepares us for our 43 year old self and beyond, and vastly we are celebrate things that force us out of our comfort zone no matter the outcome versus the things that keep us bound to the mundane or mediocrity.
Love. Love. Love this quote!
"I've learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers it." Nelson Mandela.
How I love that quote. The message and the man.