Berlin Marathon....more than just a race
I'm getting ready to run the BERLIN MARATHON! BERLIN MARATHON, like in GERMANY!I'm not sure why I haven't written much about my running lately, or more specifically about running the marathon in Berlin.I'm in Europe- having already visited Poland (what I like to refer to as the "Motherland") and now in Berlin, awaiting the marathon that will be occurring in 2 days.Berlin. And here for the Marathon. It is pretty darn amazing! There are over 40,000 runners from nations all over the world. 40,000! I've seen pictures from the previous races and it's a SEA of people. If you have never been in a marathon, I can't even begin to explain the excitement, the nerves, and anticipation that accompanies the beginning of a race.Here's my attempt.....From the day before the race meal preparation/routines, and laying out of the clothes for the race, and the early bed and even earlier awakening the day of the race, the quiet race day routines....the specific breakfast foods- even though you are not hungry or even awake- and several trips to the bathroom. YES! This is something every marathon runner is keenly aware of for race day. And very happy to discuss with other runners. Other than my days of working with cancer survivors, I have found no other place where it was completely socially acceptable to discuss bodily functions as I do with marathon runners. It's a fact of running, and specially a fact of marathon running! Awesome, eh? That and losing toe nails, which also makes my sport lovely, right?But there is nothing like that moment when you are standing in your coral, and waiting for the anthem of the country you are in to begin, wondering what the race will be like this time. I say this time, for those of us who are crazy enough perhaps to run more than one, because no race is EXACTLY the same. We can do so many things to get ready, and be as safe and cautious and routine as possible and then...out of no where....something it tweaked and BAM! You're in trouble!So for several years, I've mentioned a time or two that I have a chronic pain condition called piriformis syndrome, causing sciatic nerve like pain down my leg. Chronic as in I have learned to manage it but it isn't "curable" per say. But this past season, I have been managing it quite well with yoga and acupuncture and really listening to my body so that I can run long distances. I have been able to run long runs with very little discomfort and feeling ready for my race and then.......One week + a day before the race, and 2 days before we are set to leave for our much anticipated trip....I am a member of a 62 mile relay race called "Dances with Dirt", and yes, that is very descriptive. Mud, trails, name it and this girly girl loves every moment of it. This year....I run one of my 3 legs, through the forrest....I"m good. Up/down switchback terrain. I'm good. Through a disgusting oh my gosh where did this swamp come from and I have to do what? Swim through it? Yep...I did it. I"m good. (It was really awful) and then I am running through the ONLY part of the leg that is flat, and wide and without any sticks or logs or poison ivy and BAM!!!!! I step down wrong on my leg and shooting pain goes up my calf. My calf muscle? Really? What the heck? I've never had that before and I literally could not even walk. My leg swelled up 2x the size, I was limping, and by the end of the day I not only couldn't help my teammates to finish the race, but I couldn't even walk. I was in tears......So all week, I've had this pain in my leg reminding me of the fragility of running...and the fragility of our bodies and health. Nothing is guaranteed in life, and for the days I can run pain free....I"m so grateful. For the days I can run with limited pain, I"m grateful. For the days I can run through my pain, I"m grateful. And sometimes...that's all we can ask....for the strength to get through what we need, and sometimes WANT in our life.Today...and in 2 Days, It's to finish my first World Major, and my 5th marathon. Tomorrow, it may be something totally different...but isn't that the beauty of life, to always have something worth striving to achieve?"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide NOT to surrender, that is strength." Arnold Schwarzenegger. I am STRONG. And find peace in my strength.Wish me luck! I"ll be the girl near the back! Someone's gotta be!Peace.......