Well Behaved Women.......
"Well behaved women rarely make history." Marilyn Monroe. No idea she was the one who is credited with this quote, but it's been haunting me over past few days. Not haunting in a creepy Halloween sort of way, but in a recurring theme in my head. Who makes history? Who changes things in this life? People who sit idly by and allow whatever is to happen, to happen, or people who have a little bit of fire within them guiding them to push the envelope, mix things up a bit?I'm launching a new business, entitled "Strong/Peaceful Women" in the near-ish future.....(much credit given to those who are encouraging me along this path to spread my path towards peace to others in the world. Thank you.) and perhaps this is why I've been thinking about this topic so much lately. Can the two aspects co-exist? Strong and Peaceful. Bold and Calm. Advocate and patient listener. I think so. I believe so with every fiber of my body and am perplexed that it seems like it is a novel concept.In our society, men are afforded the opportunity to be ruthless businessmen and gentle parents if they choose to do so, so why can't women have the same opportunity? Be strong in her field and gentle in her life?Relax...before anyone thinks I'm starting a male vs female roles in society debate, I'm really not.....each are beautiful and wonderful in his/her own way....Rather, I'm contemplating the unfortunate opportunity we are missing, as a society, in not only allowing but encouraging each of us, male or female, to be strong when it serves, and peaceful when possible.When I think of those who in my life are strong, they aren't World Champion weight lifters (although more power to them if they were), or vicious with their words. They're decisive. They're passionate. They're advocates, learned, aware, and self assured. Don't we want everyone to be that way?When I think of people who in my life are peaceful, they are not necessarily Yogi Gurus or Faith Filled Priests (although again more power to them if they were), rather they are people living with "real" life issues: depression, substance abuse, maritial/family strife, losses great and small...and no matter what happens in their lives, they're choosing to find some peace in whatever life offers. Don't we want everyone to be that way?My thoughts today, brief, but I hope resinate for all of us...to allow and encourage all to live strong, peaceful lives.Peace....