From where does peace come?
Often I'm asked, both professionally and personally, how to find peace and happiness in life. Many suggesting if only they had enough money, or the right job, or......and in my humble opinion, the focus on something outside self does little to nothing to foster peace and happiness.If that were so, I often ask clients to think about those in our world with the most money, the most fame, the most prestige, "the most" general to they seem happier? Do they seem more peaceful? Even if you try to shield yourself from the tabloid TV that plagues our viewing experiences, a simple trip to the market (unless you're lucky enough to have a Trader's Joe's nearby you) will slap you into the reality that money, fame, & success in and of itself DOES NOT insure and often times works against peace and happiness.Perhaps peace and happiness then, comes from inside?So what does that mean?Client "Tim"....... "If only I won the lottery, then I know I'd be happy."Me "Ok, so on the off-chance that you don't win the lottery.....what are you doing to find happiness in the life you have been given?"Client "Tim".....silence.......If we are not actively working towards finding peace and happiness in our life, why are we surprised we haven't found it?What are you doing? Instead of making excuses and cursing the life you have, what are you doing?
- Are you exploring yoga?
- Are you practicing meditation or guided imagery? (Don't know how to do, search on YouTube and get started. Simple and free...if you have internet, which come on, if you are reading this you do!)
- Are you practicing eating as healthy as you can? You wouldn't expect your car to function at peak performance with inferior gasoline in it, right? Why would you expect any less from your body?
- Are you reveling in nature? When's the last time you took a hike? The world around us is BEAUTIFUL!
- Have you made an effort to make amends with loved ones? Life is short, and apologies are priceless.
- Have you really made a plan for your life? Studies show those who are happy in their life didn't just "happen" to get there. Vision boards are a great way to get started and help you take control of your own happiness.
If you want to find peace and happiness...... what are you doing to create this in yourself and possibly allow it to emanate to others around you?Have ideas? Want to share? Comments always welcome..... maybe today we can start a community of peace, rather than excuses or road blocks to that space.Peace......