What if you aren't feeling in the holiday spirit?
"Tis the Season to be jolly".....but what if you aren't feeling JOLLY?Illness. Death of loved ones. Break-ups. Job stress. No job. Conflict in family of origin. Living far away from loved ones. Being alone.There are a myriad of reasons why we might not be "feeling it" this holiday season, but what do you do about it?There is endless pressure to just be happy....I contend that all feelings just are, and none better or worse than any others & all should be able to exist, even if it interferes with everyone else's holiday plans.These are "4" of my top ways to help yourself navigate through the holiday season even if you aren't feeling so celebratory.
- Mindfully, gracefully, gently acknowledge where you are & be ok with just getting through your day if that is all you have in you today. Ask a friend to talk. If you don't feel like you have a confidant, know you have the strength to get you through whatever hardship or heartache you might be facing. You are strong! You will find your inner peace.
- Practice yoga. Run. Walk. Do something to move your body. If you feel like sleeping for 12 hours straight, great! But get up the next day and know if you are to get through, you need to move your body to allow the vessel to get you through even the most difficult of times. Your are strong! You will find your inner peace.
- Connect to your spirit side. If you have a particular faith practice, now is a great time to embrace! If you don't, try sitting quietly, with or without music, and simply following your breath in/out, allow your inner self to guide you to your next chapter. You are strong! You will find your inner peace.
- Do something for someone else. It's so easy to do ESPECIALLY this time of the year, but anytime we are feeling too much of our own stuff, find a way to reach out to others and lose yourself in service. It is simply the absolute best way I know to help us re-group and re-ground. Carry "blessing bags" with you and hand them out to homeless in your area (include: snacks, hand warmers, hats, gloves, socks, toothbrushes/paste, etc.). You are strong. You will find your inner peace.
Holidays can be really difficult for everyone. In clinical practice I brace for it every single year because it brings up "stuff" for everyone. But when you are going through our own personal stuff on top of everyone else's around you, I implore you to (a) just allow yourself to feel it for as long as you need to ....and then remember, even the darkest of days will pass if you use the above to navigate your own path........ even if it seems terrifying to imagine.You are strong. And you WILL find your inner peace again.Peace, and Happy Holidays Everyone.