Are we still stuck with "Thoughts & Prayers" as our response to Gun Violence & Mass shootings?
Damnit. How are we STILL here?
Last night, I received an awful text, informing me we are YET AGAIN dealing with a mass shooting, this time at Michigan State University. 2 of my dear friends have children there. Too close. And far too familiar.
What am I missing?
While I have never understood “gun culture” and do not nor will I ever have a gun in my home, it still feels like I missing something that defies logic in dealing with this issue. Why is it so hard for everyone to get around:
(a) universal background checks
(c) limiting the amount of ammunition sold to individuals
(d) increase funding for more mental health professionals trained to help intervene or be part of the de-escalation process for dealing with mass shootings/domestic violence and hate crimes?
Why is this so hard for ALL of us to support?
Other countries have stood up and made policies to limit and outlaw guns. Why can’t we? Don’t we “claim” to be the BEST country in the world? Why can’t we do this?
Politicians have a unique position to DO SOMETHING most of us cannot. We cannot create or vote on policy. They can. So, why are they not? Why are they only offering ‘thoughts and prayers’ and sending us all on our way, having done nothing to change this pattern of destruction at the hands of our own people? It isn’t some terrorists or scary ‘black or brown’ people coming into this country and doing this…it’s US! We are the problem. We are!
I do not want to be an anti-gun advocate. I do not want to make posts about gun violence. It is so counter to what I try to surround myself with in my life, and yet, what are we risking by NOT standing up?
It is wildly accepted that the majority of Americans desire safer gun laws and regulations. And… Politicans work for us, not the other way around. Politicians WORK for us. They are supposed to represent the people they are supposed to be representing. We cannot make policy. We can, however:
exercise our RIGHT to vote and support politicians who align with the MAJORITY of Americans’ desire- to have safer gun policies.
Write your local, state, and US representatives, and let your voice be heard. Be a pest!
If not now, will you do it when one of your loved ones is killed by gun violence?
Well, last night…. at least 3 people died by gun violence…. and they ARE someone’s family members and many other people’s friends… they need us all to stand up for them!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke.
You are the GOOD. Our WORLD NEEDS YOU TO DO SOMETHING! And hold those who truly have the power to make changes, accountable.
Wishing you all reading, and our world, peace….