Birds aren't REAL. The rise of this & other dangerous Conspiracy theories
I remember first hearing about conspiracy theories long ago, seemingly ridiculous and believed by those on the fringe of society, often kept in the dark and believed by few. Suddenly, there appears to be an explosion of conspiracy theories. Before I unpack the “why” these are all absurd and largely unfounded, I would like to enlighten those taking the time to read this post, some of the most fascinating and now widely discussed and far too often believed conspiracy theories.
The Holocaust did not happen. Despite 6 million Jews (Poles, Catholics, Gypsies, LGBT-Q, and disabled individuals) dying at the hands and command of the Nazi regime, in a 2014 survey of nearly 53,000 people from nearly 100 countries, only 30% believed the Holocaust did indeed happen.
JFK's death was assisted by the CIA. In a 2017 report by FiveThirtyEight, nearly 61% of Americans believed JFK’s assassination was directed by the CIA.
Moon Landing was a fake. By the 1970s, nearly 30% of people in the US believed the landing to be fake. By 2019, another survey was administered and it had dropped to 10% of those surveyed believing the landing to be fake, but still…10% does not believe it happened.
9/11 was an inside job. Despite the evidence, despite countless videos easily available for the masses, despite nearly 3,000 people dying that day and an additional 2,000 first responders dying later due to illness associated with the tragedy, many continue to believe a bomb or a missile (from the US government) was responsible for the tragedy.
Sandy Hook did not happen, the children were “actors.” Despite the most vocal spreader of this lie I mean conspiracy theory, Alex Jones, being found liable for spreading lies and ordered to pay 1.5 Billion (yes, BILLION) to the families who lost children at Sandy Hook Elementary, he is still spreading lies and people are still tuning in to consume them.
Pizzagate. Ah…pizza gate. Despite there being absolutely no evidence to the conspiracy theory that states all democrats are part of a large network of pedophiles. There is absolutely no evidence of this, yet politicians like Marjorie Taylor Green continue to state this conspiracy theory as if it is true and receives absolutely no consequence for doing so.
The COVID-19 vaccine places a microchip in our bodies, allowing the government to track citizens. Our smartphones already do this so…yeah, that’s all I am saying about this one.
And… Birds aren’t real. They are drone replicas installed by the U.S. government to spy on Americans. This was actually a parody that was placed on billboards, a joke, that somehow people decided was actually real and have now continued to spread this lie.
Some of these theories are preposterous, some are outlandish, and some are absolutely hurtful and dangerous. The one thing they ALL have in common is this: they are NOT true. NONE of them are true.
I have encountered these for decades. When I was the Program Director at Gilda’s Club, a free cancer support community, we would “occasionally” have members state they believed there was a cure for cancer, but the government was concealing this because cancer care is so lucrative. I would gently push back and remind members, that the same could be said for heart disease, diabetes, etc.
Okay, the WHY these categorically are untrue is so incredibly simple……….wait for it…..
How anyone thinks any of these can be true is beyond me. Humans LOVE to talk. Humans LOVE to talk about others. Humans LOVE to share juicy details of someone else struggling or someone cheating or someone getting divorced, Humans LOVE to talk! In order for these to be true, we are relying on a whole lotta humans to keep a secret and most humans are not capable of this. Period.
While I welcome a spirited debate, appreciate differences of opinions, and love the diversity that is a healthy functioning society where all are welcome, I cannot express how dangerous, deceptive, misleading, and unnecessary all of these conspiracy theories are for our society. They are creating a more divisive society, separating families and increasing discord in our relationships. Isn’t life complicated enough without all of this nonsense?
Final Thoughts:
Just because you read it on the internet, does NOT mean it is true.
Alternative facts are not FACTS.
Look for reputable sources in your “research” that do not profit from the creation of the conspiracy theory.
Ask questions. Keep asking questions with an open heart, and open mind.
With the rise of AI (artificial intelligence) and Deep Fakes it will only become more difficult to discern what is real, and what is a calculated manipulation. I encourage all of us to do our own homework, to ask questions, to seek, and to trust if it sounds way too outlandish and ridiculous, it most likely…. is……
Wishing us all increased ability to think for ourselves, rational thought, and love and peace in our hearts.
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