H.O.P.E. (Client becomes Teacher)
When I opened my private practice, I had all these fantastical plans! I dreamed BIG about creating a healing space that would not only bring clients into my office but offer a communal space for others to explore meditation and breath work and workshops together …and then COVID happened.
My “new” office became the place I would sit in front of a computer for hours each day, welcoming no one in person for over a year and pausing the dreams I once had for this new endeavor. No group meditation. No workshops. No support groups.
During that time, I busied myself with rearranging my office, organizing files and paperwork, reading, and …at one point creating inspirational messages on rocks I once envisioned clients creating for themselves. I thought one day…clients will be back in-person and these might have value.
They have sat largely untouched, maybe unnoticed, for the better part of the past 3 years.
Since COVID numbers have lessened and we have learned to co-exist with this virus, so has the return of my clients to mostly in-person sessions. While my office continues to be filled with somewhat whimsical objects and inspirational artwork, at times I forget my own intention in selecting the items and displaying them as I have. Today, was a lovely reminder and one I needed as much as my client.
As I was walking her out at the end of the session, she paused to tell me a little story….
“Sarah” (yes, that is always the client’s name for the protection of her/his identity) says she worked in a pediatric office where an increasing number of teens had been self-harming. She would give them “rocks” with words on them to inspire them. NOT because it was her job, but rather as a way to connect. The one she would give was “HOPE”….and that was the one she selected today.
That…is not why I’m sharing this today. HOPE has long been a powerful intent for me as it has reminded me in life, HOPE is always possible. For a better tomorrow. For peace in our world. For peace in our hearts.
“Sarah” said when she would give these teens a rock with “HOPE” inscribed on it, and she would tell them what those 4 letters really meant (or could if you need to hear the message.)
H- Hold
O- On
P- Pain
E- Ends
Yes! I loved it so much I want to remember this myself, and so appreciate it when clients help me to learn something new. I’m passing this little gem of wisdom from my client “Sarah” to whoever needs to hear it today. Sometimes, we ALL need that reminder: No matter what we are experiencing: good or bad, joy or pain, light or darkness…it is all temporary. So remember, even in the darkest of nights, light will always come. We just need to hold on and seek the light, and if we are struggling to do so, find others who can help light our path.
I have my own beacons of light- and forever I will be grateful for them showing up for me when I couldn’t see my own path forward.
For those devasted by the pain in Lahaina, for those living with chronic or terminal illnesses, for those struggling with financial security or mental illness…. wishing you the wisdom of “HOPE” and the comfort of inner peace….
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(p.s. would love to hear your own stories of hope and inspiration in the comments section or message me confidentially)