Peace in the Journey | A Blog About Finding Peace and Meaning in Life

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Maui Vacation on the horizon.... Do you/Don't you? Why context and intent matters. Or does it?

In a month, I am supposed to be returning to Maui. This preparation has had more meaning than previous trips as it’s both an opportunity to travel with extended family (2 of whom live out of state) and celebrate a milestone birthday for one and a celebration of life post-cancer for another. I have been the official countdown to Maui person, I am quite certain only slightly tolerating my enthusiasm. And now…whether we are all going is….uncertain…..

While the condo is NOT in or near Lahaina, there are some saying “Absolutely do not come, how selfish to even be considering a vacation when there is so much despair and grief on this island” while others are stating “The island absolutely needs tourists as so many people depend on tourism for their livelihood.”

So…. yeah, clear as mud as to what to do…..

It has left me thinking about why context and intent matter when we are discerning. If it is merely to take a video and post it to the latest social media platform, then by all means this feels invasive and insensitive. It reminds me of my High school trip to DC, watching classmates take photos in front of the Vietnam monument “faking crying” for a photo. Yes, pre-social media times but horribly insensitive nonetheless. Or… being at the 9/11 monument and hearing others joking and overly exuberant as they waited in line to walk through and be a witness of sorts to the resting place of thousands of humans. Both were solemn and sacred spaces for me and yet it is as clear then as it is today that not all react or respond with this same reverence. And does that matter?

The very polarized opinions appear more reactive than responsive. While some traveling may be doing so for nefarious reasons, and others may be seeking their “insta-famous” moment (please know that pained me to even write those words as I don’t understand this part of our culture at all), lumping ALL visitors in the same category is unfair and short-sided.

While there are so many saying “Stay away you selfish pieces of shit”, there are countless others wanting to donate time, donate money, bring in suitcases of clothes and toiletries, and spend money on the island to HELP the people, not to add to their stress or further traumatize them. Can’t this “also” be true?

One of my favorite quotes that feels fitting with this is":

“When I was a little boy and would see scary things on the news, my mother would say to me, look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Mr. Rogers

If we lean too far into the “stay away”, one is cutting off the opportunity for the helpers to be a source for healing the heartache, the despair, the grief, and the tragedy that happens in our world. I believe in the GOOD in the world and want to be seen as doing GOOD wherever I am in my life. That is one of the hardest truths for me to process when I want to help, and my help is not accepted or rejected. I am working on it…but it is nonetheless painful.

When faced with making decisions, when the answer is unclear, the best we can do is to take the leap and hope/pray it is not only the right one with the information available today, but also seen within the context of “doing no further harm” and with the intent of a greater in higher good to be pursued at all times.

Nothing is decided, wait and see IS the only option, today…

“Trust the Wait. Embrace the Uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When Nothing is Certain, Anything is Possible.” Mandy Hale

Do you want to help the lovely people of Maui? Some helpful/reliable resources to get the people (and animals) in need from Lahaina are:

America Red Cross Red Cross or Text REDCROSS to 90999

Hawaii Animal Rescue- a “no-kill” shelter Hawaii Animal Rescue


Hawaii Community Foundation HCF

Wishing you all peace. Wishing for healing and love and peace for all the world, especially the beautiful people of Maui.