Why this Pro-Life Person is FEARING the reversal of Roe v Wade (and why we should ALL Care!)
I was born into a family of praticing Catholics, deeply rooted for generations. My ancestors immigrated from Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic with this as part of their idenities, only a few generations before me. (there is some speculation my Polish ancestors were actually Jewish, converting during WWII but that is a topic for another time.)
Thus, like those before me, I was baptised and brought up in the Catholic faith. Into my adulthood, I have had somewhat of a conflictual relationship with the Church and some of the teachings (not to mention how they have handled the sex abuse within the Church) but have continued to hold on to my identity as a Catholic and espouse my Pro-life beliefs to be protection and honoroing of all life, from conception to natural death.
I am also vehemently opposed to the reversal of Roe v Wade.
I can appreciate my perspective on this issue comes from a place of GREAT privelage. I grew up in a 2 parent home, with very loving parents. My parents had means to provide for myself and my brother, always in a safe house with healthy food and access to healthcare and a good education that included college/graduate school. I did not experince a pregnancy from rape or incest, nor an unplanned pregnancy while in Highschool or College. I was never in the space that necessitated me to make a decision on whether I was to keep my child, have my child and give him/her to someone else to raise, or challenge my pro-life beliefs in the face of an unplanned pregnancy. I also never experiened any complications in my pregnancies that resulted in my 2 most loving and loved sons. It was easy as I never actually had to make a decision. While I didn’t learn that my Mom had an unplanned pregnancy (which resulted in her giving up her first born daughter) until I was well into adulthood, the mesage about the sanctity of ALL life was the message I received throughout my childhood. I have held on to these beliefs, but have had very little challenge in them as I never was faced with actually DECIDING.
I have, however, known many others who have not shared my privelaged experienes.
I have held friends hands and held space as they processed what an unplanned pregnancy meant to them and their lives, some deciding they would terminate their pregnancies.
I have held space for clients, who for a variety of reasons, would make the same decision.
It was never my place to judge, or to place my beliefs (both religious and ethical) on others. My much younger self really struggled with this. I did judge. I did! Inside, I was in agony listening to others make a decision, somehow thinking if I listened to them I was somehow part of what the ultimate decision would be, which was in conflict with my personal belief system. This was not about me, however. I couldn’t see beyong this decision, as if that was all the person was. I am ashamed to admit this, but in order to be better, and do better, acknowledge it I must. My much older self has a much broader pespective in life and no longer struggles like I did. I am now able to show up with support, love, and offer space for others to make their own decisions. I see how painful it can be, and believe in MY heart, my God wants me there to support, NOT to judge. I believe I can do God’s work AND let others make their own decisions based on their own belief system. If I want that for myself, shouldn’t I want that for others?
My very real fear with this is …. if Roe v Wade is reversed (and by the way, I did not even know that could happen after the Supreme Court made a decision) what is next? If we think “reversing Roe v Wade” will end abortions, we are absolutely as wrong as those were who opposed this decision back in 1973. Women will still make this (I’m sure) emotionally and painfully difficult decision, but they will also be at much greater risk to die in the process.
So what is next?
If the initial premise is the “right to an abortion” is not specifically stated or protected in the Constituion, then what is next? Interracial marriage? Interfaith marriage? Same sex marriage? Women voting? Access to Contraception? None of these are specifically identified and protected in the Consitution, the most sacred of documents in the U.S., and thus if this is the premise the “current” Supreme Court is using to potentially reverse the previous decision, are the above also in jeopardy?
It is SO easy to sit in a space of privelage and make a decision on morality and ethics when we aren’t in the situation to be challenged. I sit in a space as a white/straight/married woman who is also married to a white/straight/married man. I am privilaged by in that my life experience or orientation IS what is acceptabel by the masses in our culture. However, I also love and care for many people who are in interracial marriages/interfaith marriages/same sex marriages. Should we be prepared to have these also challenged? I am a woman who takes my right to vote very seriously and believes I am AS capable in making these decisions as any man I know, should I be worried this may be taken away? And before the reader says in his/her head or outloud “don’t be ridiculous, these are protected by the Laws of our Nation…. so is/was Roe v Wade.
If you care so much about women who are faced with whether to have an abortion or not…
Focus on making sure contraception is available to ALL who want it, without question. (this is at odds with teachings of the my faith background, but as one of my most beloved Priests/Professors at my Catholic university used to say… people who practice “natural family planning” are also called “parents” so one might want to explore this a little bit more… and offer some options that are safe, reliable, and more aligned with prevention if one is ready for parenthood and doesn’t want to have their faith/belifes challenged beyond this.
Seek to support political canidates who not only value the BIRTH of an unborn child, but also what happens to him/her and his/her parents afterwards. Once that baby is born, there are less and less tangible supports for those children and families in our country, and to not acknowlege this is shameful in my humble opinion. What if you do not have a family to suport you AFTER you have a baby? What if your family kicks you out? What then? Who helps these babies and parents then?
EDUCATE! Value what a biologically accurate and open understanding of sex education can offer those in our world who may not fully understand both how “everything works” or the emotional/physical/psychological consequences of our decisions.
If you believe life begins at conception, then don’t have an abortion. Simple. Your choice remains, but making it illegal for another takes away their right that may differ from yours. And that is really scary when you start to realize how many rights we currently take for granted could be in jeopardy if this comes to frution.
We are told we live in the land of the FREE! But do we?
Are you paying attention?
It is not enough to simply stand up when something directly impacts you. It isn’t enough! When the rights of others is taken away, we cannot delude ourselves into thinking our rights may not be in jeopardy as well. You can have compassion and offer grace for others, even when their beliefs or values differ from ours. It is not difficult to be kind, to show respect and honor the complexities of life. It is not hard. I hope we will all realize this….before it’s too late.