peace.....with imperfections

"A fault, blemish, or undesirable features" is the definition of imperfection.I'm perplexed by the effort to make one's life or self perfect, when by design, we are all inherently flawed.  It seems to me such an unrealistic expectation that we can be "perfect" in all areas of life.  In reality, we all have strengths and gifts that make each of us unique and special.  Focusing on strengths, rather than trying to be perfect in all areas of life, is the true path to finding peace and happiness.My personal journey towards acceptance of my imperfections continues, a daily effort.  To varying degrees, I have fully bought into the standard of beauty in society and have struggled to find a place of acceptance in the physical attributes I dislike in myself.   If I focus on my flaws long enough, I can add to the seemingly endless list of imperfections with great ease.  Continuing to engage with the struggles of accepting myself seem so incongruent with who I am as a person, I find it perplexing.  Truthfully, I find people who are in process for finding who they really want to be in life far more interesting than those who already seem to have it figured out.I work as a therapist, the very essence of my being is to help people accept their imperfections, and learn to focus on their strengths.  At some points in my own life, however, I do forget how essential this practice is in each of our lives, including my own.In clinical practice metaphors, motivational quotes, passages from books, and visual images are part of my repertoire in helping clients move towards achieving therapeutic goals.  One of the visual images I learned from a former co-worker years ago (that I still use in practice) looks like this:Imagine yourself driving a car.  On the horizon, you see deer grazing in the field.   Imagine the sun is setting over the field, and you are drawn into watching the deer playing in the field.  Eventually, by instinct, you will start turning your car towards the horizon, "steering towards what you focus on".....The same concept can be applied to dealing with our own imperfections.  If we sit all day thinking about what we don't like about ourselves or our lives, negativity is what we will draw into our lives.  However, if we focus, actively, on building a list of what we like about ourselves or our lives, our perspective of self begins to change.While I may never be really excited my short legs, and may forever complain the skirts and jeans and pants I purchase (even if they are "petites") need to be hemmed to fit my proportions.  However, I am cognizant the same 2 legs I sometimes complain about are the same 2 legs that supported my body as I trained for and completed several full and half marathons.  Focusing on that makes me appreciate them more as "strong" rather than "freakishly short."  Changing what I focus on (the strengths), helps me steer towards peace and acceptance with myself and my imperfections.Quote for the week.... "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections"  Saint Francis de Sales.  I would add, "do not focus on your imperfections" either.  Rather, consider them, but at least equally consider all your strengths that enable you to be the unique and perfectly flawed human you are.Peace & Happy week everyone.....
