peace....and giving "thanks" more than just one day
Giving Thanks.....Three years ago, for the month of November, I started posting daily on Facebook thoughts on thanksgiving. Daily. I can't remember if it was something I thought to do myself (though I doubt, I am not that creative, or gracious) but I started and did it. Daily. I did it as a reminder to myself, to focus on all that I have in my life for which to be grateful, rather than focusing on the inevitable "next season" that focuses on all that we want. Though trite sounding, I really struggle with embracing Christmas as the commercialism of the holiday has become overwhelming. I long for the simple, pure, and magical feelings I once did have in the anticipation and realization of the holiday. I long for the times when my family would gather in my grandparents basement, fully stuffed from a huge meal, watching my Dad/Uncles perform their puppet shows or preparing the annual Christmas pageant decked out in my Aunt's old ballerina costumes. Us girl cousins, not them....Sigh......Life seemed so simple back then....So, last night, after a really long day at work (in a job that I LOVE but one that can also be emotionally exhausting) I wanted nothing more than to get my jammies on and go to bed. While I'm thankful daily, especially this time of year, that I have a job, I just wanted to go to sleep. Coming downstairs to get a drink of water, I hear words that soften my heart...."Mom, do you want to watch the Bible series with me tonight?" From my 15-year-old son.How can I say "no" to that?Before you think, "Wow! This family is really some angelic, spiritual mecca of a family", I want to assure you we are not! I admire families who are, but our family is an aspiring weekly mass attending (aspiring), prayers at bedtime and mealtime and when we think of it times, and more recently philosophizing on the specifics of faith kinda family. I struggle with it. I want my kids to be faith-filled kids,and I want them to truly be THANKFUL for everything that have and not be self-centered and focused on the things they do not.So what do I really want them to learn from me? The importance of faith, and trust in God and willingness to learn and grow and OH MY GOSH, here was my desire for my kids being played out in front of me!We sat up, later than we normally do on a "school" night, eating popcorn, drinking water (Ok, I did have a beer, I confess....) and watching the Bible miniseries. I sat in awe, listening to my kids tell stories about what we were watching, and I was humbled, that they were teaching me about my own faith. They were teaching me. Wow.....Sometimes we wonder if our kids are listening, I can assure you they listen much more than we even know.Sometimes I wonder if they really get the reason behind Thanksgiving, but I can assure you many kids have it figured out better than we do as adults.On Facebook, we are bombarded with "oh my gosh my kid is the greatest at this that and the other thing", and while I am happy for my friends who have the world's greatest kids at this that and the other thing, sometimes I sit and wonder if all that "really" matters in the grand scheme of life?Then...I read one of the best posts by a High school friend, I would entitle it the World's Proudest Momma Post (in a while) for teaching her son/s the TRUE meaning of the "season" upon us..........Her son told her, on his way home from school, he passed by a woman who had a sign that said her husband lost his job, and asking for help. She had a child with her. From his own money, and without his parent watching or telling him to do so, my friend's son bought them hot chocolates and skittles....I was in tears reading..... how innocent and precious and kind....and Wow! If my kids are half as thoughtful in their lives, I will feel like I've done a good job as a mom. Teaching your child to be gracious and think of others, and watching them turn out to be just that, truly something to be for which to be thankful. Good job Momma!So watching the mini series with my kids reminds me:To be thankful for all that I have- for many others have fought very hard for me to have the life I have.To be gracious and thoughtful of others, to share my wealth (meager as it is, but I am still blessed) with others.And to trust in God. When I don't know what path I am to be taking in life, trust in God.I search for peace in my life daily. It is a constant effort and something that doesn't come easy for me. I search to simplify my life, and to let go of things/people who complicate or distract from my purpose in life. But really, all I need to do is look at things through the eyes of my children...isn't that what we've been told to do all along?Hmmm...."As we express gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." John F. KennedyPeace and Happy month of Thanksgiving.....