Dear Santa...all I want for Christmas this year is......peace.......
Dear Santa..... All I want for Christmas this year is peace. Peace & Love, Me Vague you say? Perhaps. What does that mean? I'm not sure, but I know it when I feel it. How do I know I don't have it already? I've worked really hard paying attention to the connection between my mind/body. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places? Hmmmm.....So it's time to try something different...."Nobody can bring you peace but yourself" Ralph Waldo Emerson.Ok, "Santa" may be it isn't your job. May be it isn't anyone else's job but mine to learn. May be it is a gift I need to learn to give to myself. Peace begins with being peaceful with myself. Being more peaceful with myself Day 1.Today, Yoga Day 2. Yes, me an avid runner who has given the advice of yoga to many clients as a viable option for exercise and strength training and stress reduction. In giving that advice, I now think it was some sort of "knowing" before I really "knew" what it could do for myself. Years, I should've been doing this. Karmic justice when the "advice" comes back to literally bite me in the a--. (in case just joining, my chronic pain issues literally start there....)So in class, one I probably wouldn't had gone to if I didn't decide to open my mind and try something different to cope with my pain and stress, it clicked. My path towards peace is within me, the road map has been there all along, I just haven't had the courage to follow it.Was it simply yoga? Oh gosh no! But I will continue to do that because it is fabulous and I'm horrible at it and I love nothing more than a good challenge!But it was the peace in knowing I am the only one who can bring me peace.I came across this quote today, I laughed out loud and thought I'd share...."fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity." George Carlin(as if I needed to write who said that, doesn't it totally sound like him?)The path is a little daunting, but in reality, freeing. In writing the past year, I've been searching for a road map, and what I've found is the road map was within me all along, I just got a little lost along the way.......Where's your path towards peace taking you?Peace and Happy Monday.....