Follow your arrow.....
I started writing this blog...was half way done. I listen to music while writing, and today, the music changed my direction entirely.I listen to a wide variety of music. One of the genres my family loathes the most is my county music/female singer/song writer fascination. Kacey Musgraves is among my new faves...and love this song entitled "Follow Your Arrow"."Say what you who you love...cause you just get so many trips round the sun....yeah, you only, only live once."Love this.....We spend so much time either judging others or trying to be something just to make other people happy....why do we care? Why do we spend time focusing on others when isn't focusing on our own journeys difficult enough? Geez...who has time?A little over a year ago, I left a stable job (that I really loved on many levels), started making some changes in what I ate (and more specifically what I don't eat anymore), decided to take my physical fitness journey more seriously, and in general started a process of really focusing on what I need to be doing in my life. Not "Sally Smith's Life" or "Judy Jones' Life"...focusing on my life. So I cleaned house with some things/people I needed to in order to lighten my spirit, I gave up caring so much what others think about me and started caring much more about what I think about me. It's WAY easier...and harder....and easier...and harder....Today, it's easier."The purpose of our lives is to be happy." Dalai Lama. How can we be happy in our life if we are focused on what other people are doing or what other people think we should be doing?So this year, instead of worrying if I should get my hair cut because maybe I'm getting too old to have it so long...I will let it grow as long as I can stand it (or until my hair stylist decides the ends look too awful and we need to chop it!).....spend more time visiting with friends rather than just planning to do so...wear flip flops from the very first moment I can this year...sign up for more races and focus less on my times....embrace the whimsy spirit that lives within me rather than trying to squash it... write more, and talk less. listen more and judge less....and say thanks to my friends and family. For putting up with me in my journey....What's your plan to live a happier life?Peace....