Stop! And the happiness finds you.
I watched this video today, and it got me to thinking about happiness.How often do we really think about happiness? Are we really happy? What is happiness? How do we know we're happy if we don't really think about it?Sometimes people think if only they have this or that: new car, new house, new job...then they'll be happy. Or when we have kids, or when the kids get older, or when we retire, or when we are able to travel to such and such of place. But....if we hold out for "if only this would happen"...we are missing the point of the journey of life. isn't what happens in our life, but how we choose to live our life that truly matters. If we think about it, if money or power or fame or fortune made us truly happy, wouldn't people in Hollywood or politicians or celebrities be blissfully happy? Turn on the news any given day or read at the checkout counter on a myriad of magazine covers, drama and despair is not spared by those in our society who seemingly have it all. So what is it? Happiness?In the brilliant words on Sam (video), perhaps it is more in the focusing of what we have, rather than what we don't have? Perhaps its on continuing to have goals set for ourselves, big and small, to look forward to one more day...regardless of if that day's one more day of endless possibilities!For me, it is in the stillness of moments, I feel the happiness well up inside me. Am I happy? Yes. Is it a choice I make every single day? Yes.What is isn't? Free from "moments" of being angry or irritated? Did I have those today? Yes....ask my 16-year-old son, he'll confirm "Polly Anna" I am not (though I have been called this before). Rather, if those moments come in our day, it's about moving through them and focusing on the positives of the day. Years ago, I can admit I would've allowed my anger or irritation drag on for the day, and maybe into the next, but really who am I hurting? ME! I'm missing the opportunity to have one more moment of endless possibilities and live a happy life.Ignorance. I don't want to be spared the dark or unpleasant in life as if I live in a bubble. I'm strong. I'm calm and patient and rational and know whatever life throws at me, I will be ok and I can choose to be happy or choose to wallow. Ugh...I loathe wallowing. It's a waste when in the end, there are so few things we really can control in life, so why not focus on those things I can for mood.....and let my mood whenever possible be one of happiness.Perfect. It is not. There are days I'm just struggling to be happy. Instead of letting those stress me out and plague me of guilt for not seizing the day....I practice being gentle with myself (and warn my family!) and accept that every single day, it's hard to be happy. Sometimes, we aren't. But be careful to not stay "stuck" for too long.....A chore. It's easy really. Surround yourself with things/people/places that make you happy! Here's my no apparent order/significance and with little thought to demonstrate how easy it is to be happiness.
- Family. Sitting with them watching the Lego Movie and hearing even my 16-year-old giggle a little. (think he tried to make sure we didn't hear him.)
- Lemonade
- Baking cookies
- Writing
- Running/yoga/meditation (Yes, I always have to get this plug-in whenever possible. If you read my blog enough, you will see a theme)
- Singing at church like no one is listening to me. And sounding not that bad. :)
- Walking Layla, the Wonderdog
- Oberon (it's a Michigan thing!)
- Smell of basil
- Long runs at the park with my Dances with Dirt friends
- Getting my tattoo redone. I'm sneaking this one in here. Yes, I have a tattoo. Yes, it was from WAY before it was cool to have done. And Yes! I am a poster child for "perhaps you should really research your tattoo artist and what you want done before you get it done." 22 years later, it's beautiful and I'm so happy I have a little bit of "peace" as a reminder for me every single day. I love it, and that's all that matters. Phew. Cathartic.
- Seeing manatees in the wild on vacation. Later I learned they were in mating season and maybe that explains why there were two together....I feel slightly dirty knowing they might've been mating right by me, but I will choose to be happy for seeing them in person. In their natural environment.
- Fish tacos
- Fruits/vegetables in season
- Big floppy hats, flip-flops and sunscreen
- The landing portion of a flight
- Music- I listen to music EVERY SINGLE DAY. EVERY DAY.
- Setting the table for dinner
- I could go on......
See easy. EASY. this is not rocket science. But even if it was.....wouldn't finding your own personal happiness be worth it?Two great quotes....."It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." Charles Spurgeon."Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from our own actions." Dalai Lama.Peace, and happiness......