Another marathon, what? Berlin bound...... (soon)
Ever commit to something and wonder, am I really doing this? Or more specifically for me, am I really doing this, again? And why am I doing this?
7 weeks from today is the Berlin marathon.
Exactly 2 minutes after I finished Marine Corps last year, I said the following to my husband "I am never running another marathon again..." That probably isn't the best time to make a decision like that, I admit...
We arrived home, and within days, the "lottery" I entered to get into Berlin came through and SURPRISE! I got in! And well, I couldn't say no.
So....there are 5 world majors. Boston. London. Chicago. New York. and Berlin. Ok, now there is Tokyo but apparently it's because in Japan marathon runners are uber cool....which is sorta funny to me because my very close circle of friends are convinced we are among a very small minority who actually follows marathon runners/races. So....saying "no" to Berlin, well, there was just no way that was happening.
Preparing for my 5th full marathon, the fears and anxieties that I once had before a race are much more manageable. I am no longer concerned that I will not finish, unless of course my piriformis syndrome (that I manage with yoga, acupuncture and my sheer stubborn will) acts up...I am pretty certain my mind will get me to the finish line when my body wants to stop. However, I am no longer concerned that I will not finish. Rather, I now deal with the mental part of "why do I run marathons"....entering my mind more than I can even report. Youtube search "I'm a marathon runner, I am injured" for another look at the funny video I included in friends and I laugh every time we think about it.
So here is my latest list of "why I run" no apparent order and by no means complete.....because on some level, everything I do in my life has to make so sort of sense or I try to eliminate it, which I have been doing on a somewhat regular basis of being in 40s....realize you don't "have to" do a lot of things in life we just do....
I run for....
- Ability to travel to a new place to hang with family and friends.
- Cool bragging medals to hang in my room. Yes...they hang in our bedroom. Don't judge. A cross and other sorta art type things do too....
- All the people I've known from my cancer work...either who can't because of treatment/diagnosis, or those who are no longer here. Too long to list....but I carry them all in my heart......
- For those I've inspired to run. I am convinced there is a reason I'm consistently slow. I'm consistent, right? That's good...but perhaps I can be motivation to others in my journey, and I'm totally cool with that purpose. Totally.
- Hanging with my girlfriends and having a free therapy session. Shh...there was discussion today ....thinking they should all chip in and pay me my rate for therapy. I didn't have the heart to tell them my rates just went up, perhaps they'd reconsider that kind offer? :)
- Peace...................... few things calm my mind quite like running. Yoga. Prayer. Writing. and Running. I do them all.
- Forward motion. Some runs are great. Some are awful. Most fall between there somewhere. Each is fantastic because it gets me closer to wherever I am going in life. I haven't figured it out yet, but isn't it awesome?
- Fun new running shirts. Some are hideous. Some are cool.
- Example/role model for my kids (and others). We don't always win races (Ok, I've never won!) but sometimes the important lesson is more about showing up and finishing. I want my kids to learn this lesson.
- There are no short cuts or easy routes to finish a race. Just like with life.
- Running is fun. Yes.....largely and categorically it is fun. Why did I not do this sooner?
Love this'll make me giggle when I'm feeling like I
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall all get there some day." A.A. Milne. Winnie the Pooh.
Who knew Winnie the Pooh was so prophetic?
Peace.......and happy running...or walking...or riding...or.......find your bliss......