Where is peace in our world?
My parents are planning their 50th Wedding Anniversary. 50 years! They've planning to go on a trip. Deserved after 50 years, right? Destination ideas have ranged from touring Italy, or going to Germany/Poland/Czech Republic (where their families are from), or to a cruise somewhere far far away. The past year or so....these are the locations I've grown accustomed to hearing them talk about with great anticipation. About a week or so ago, they suddenly had a change of heart. No longer were they certain they wanted to go to Italy or Germany or Poland or Czech Republic or a cruise, rather now they were thinking they wanted to stay "closer to home." Because they'd miss their beloved dog? No. Because they'd miss us? No. Because they didn't have an up to date passport? No. Because it was too expensive? No. Sadly, they were thinking they wanted to stay closer to home as they were frightened by being a possible target for terrorism. How many couples are blessed enough/lucky enough/persistent enough to make it to 50 years? How tragic is it to think of having that joyous event....anticipating it for years....and feeling somewhat limited in how to celebrate because of fear. I've never understood hatred. I've never understood violence. I've never understood hating someone based on religion or skin color or social status or sexual orientation or political leanings.....largely I'm grateful to say from the example of my loving parents. Growing up fairly sheltered, my exposure to other cultures/religions/etc was very limited. While it would have been easy for me to grow up believing EVERYONE else in the world had the life I did, my parents made a concerted effort to instill in me humility and acceptance of ALL people, and the realization that my reality was not only not necessarily other people's realities, but it wasn't necessarily the only "right" way of living. It was just what I had grown to know.When my friend pool expanded to include others beyond my small little circle of childhood and adolescence, I looked upon the opportunity to meet others different from me with a great sense of enthusiasm and ability to be enlightened.What I learned, however, is this.....as people, we are far more similar than we are different. Period. Whether we come from different religions or cultures or socioeconomic classes, at the core we have FAR more in common with one another than the minute details that separate us from one another.
I found this quote. Love it. While I didn't grow up as a Hindu nor am I a practicing Hindu now.....the words of Gandhi have always resonated with me. His teachings are universal. "Peace is the path"..... At the core of most faiths is the concept of peace and yet from the beginning of time humans seem to somehow forget this value and opt instead for fighting exaggerating differences vs focusing on trying to resolve conflict by illuminating similarities, actually enabling PEACE to be established.Peace cannot be accomplished by fighting. Peace cannot be accomplished by hiding from our would be oppressors. Peace can only be accomplished when we make it our priority to walk and talk and breathe and think and live our lives based on finding and living and being.....Peace.Peace. A right for EVERYONE. What can you commit to do to truly embrace and LIVE PEACE?Ending this night with a song and artist perhaps many of you may not know. Had I not started practicing yoga a year ago December, I would never had known this beautifully talented musician. Her words and the music speak for themselves......Enjoy.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbCBJ05gdwcPeace......