An open letter on Gun Control
Are you a gun owner? This blog might make you angry and for the first time in a long time, I really don't care who I offend. The truth is I have been silent for far too long, so many of us have been, and sitting in complacency allows bad things-tragedies-horrors-mass murders to continue to happen in our world.Sunday night, my family watched a Netflix documentary on the Boston Marathon Bombing. It was emotional, seemingly more so than I had anticipated. My husband & I have both run multiple marathons, and he has run Boston 2x. That year, he didn't. My best friend did, however & I was terrified. Watching the video from that day brought it all back, and I thank God every day that my family was ok, and my best friend was not injured or killed. Others.... were not so lucky/blessed. I remember going to bed Sunday night thinking, Thank God nothing like this has happened in a while (as I write that, I am totally aware having a standard of "in awhile" is absolutely pathetic and intolerable and unacceptable but that is what went through my mind, that is where we are as a world) .... and then Monday morning I woke up with a text saying "did you hear about Vegas?"What is going on? Are you a gun owner? Why do you own them? Do you hunt? Do you need multiple guns to do that? Do you need 1000s of rounds of ammo to do hunt? Do you need semi-automatic weapons to hunt? What is it with the guns that you are willing to allow this to continue for your "right" to "own guns"? I don't understand and really, am trying to do so....It isn't enough to get involved when you are actually personally affected by violence anymore. We are ALL affected. If you go to concerts, church, cafe, clubs, marathons, peaceful protests, I have done ALL of them too...we are all affected. Vegas. I could've been one in that crowd. My kids could've. It could've been YOU. Or your kids. Or your wife or husband or daughter or son or parent or..... is that when you STEP UP?I cannot imagine this was our Founding Father's vision when they developed the 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms. How does one manage to purchase 1000s of rounds of ammo? Was it to absolutely eliminate the "herd" somehow, because that is actually what it appeared he was doing. Those poor people were all sitting ducks- no possible way to defend themselves. No idea that going to a concert was going to end their life..... And Why is it necessary to have multiple guns? Do you just look at them in wonder of their "beauty"? Please help me, and even more so those who were actually affected personally by gun violence to understand why this is necessary. Why are we not all - every single one of us in America- shouting from our roof tops DEMANDING reform so this doesn't happen tomorrow or the next day or the next day? When are we going to stand up and look at this and say It's Enough? I'm one mom of two teenagers, who is terrified for their future. Why do we live here? It's scary to think doing day to day things is now a serious question of "is it really worth it to go to a concert, because I may not come back home tonight....."My greatest fear is this will once again just be another "mass murder" and nothing, nothing will change because the NRA and gun lobbyist are too influential and in the pockets of our governmental officials, and we as the PEOPLE of this beautiful nation are allowing this to continue. We are standing up! We are absolutely demanding that something MORE be done!It is NOT ok to wait until you are personally affected to say enough is enough.....Vegas....could've been me and it could've been you or someone you love, so when are you going to say, enough is enough?I welcome comments. Please by both sides, help me to understand why owning semi-automatic weapons is necessary and is it important enough for you knowing that others can also obtain them who "might" act this way in the future..... and for those of you who are feeling similar to me, how to we rally up and do something? Our future generations need us to find a way to make the change.....If not now...then when?Peace......