Lesssons learned from dearly departed...

Sounds so horrible.  I struggled with a title thinking...."who the heck would want to read this?"Yikes.I feel like I'd be remiss if I didn't write about it.   If I didn't write about them.  Closing of 2012, 3 people.  Closing of 2013, 4 people.  How eerily similar.I wish I could write about lighter topics at times, rather than the often heavy thoughts that proliferate my mind.  But not without similarity to my last post, some aspects in life just are and therefore futile to attempt to ignore or change.I often encourage my clients to journal when their struggling with a certain issue.  I'm happy to report this is one therapeutic tool I routinely utilize, therefore I can attest to the benefits.  I describe it as if the writing on the paper (or computer or iPhone) allows the thoughts a place to go, and therefore the racing thoughts that sometimes can occur now have a home.  Using this technique often brings me peace & helps me to begin to make sense of something that on the surface makes no sense at all.So I thought I'd try to pull together some lessons that occurred to me in thinking about the 4 people I hope to meet again in Heaven.  That sentence in and of itself brings me peace.  When I find the grief overwhelming, I find peace in believing earth is not my forever home and believe one day I'll see them all again.....But until then....When I think of the 2 young moms who died FAR too young from breast cancer, the amazingly witty and friendly pub owner who died from cancer, and the charismatic/larger than life Parish Priest who died suddenly, I can't help but find myself needing to make some sense of all of their untimely deaths.Suddenly I thought of this...lessons learned from them.

  • Love and cherish my kids every single day.  Thank you.
  • "Wash your hands and say your prayers because germs and Jesus are everywhere".... Thank you.
  • No matter how sick I am or how down I feel in my life, there is always space and time to give to others.  Thank you.
  • Joys and sorrows are always better when shared with friends.  Thank you.
  • Scars and imperfections make us beautiful. Thank you.
  • Furry four-legged beings often make the best friends.  Thank you.
  • Asking for help from others when needed is a true sign of strength, not weakness.  Thank you.
  • It costs us nothing to "be kinder than necessary, because everyone is fighting some sort of battle." J. M. Barrie.  Thank you.
  • Take time to do things we really love, and life will work itself out as it is supposed to.  Thank you.
  • Go the extra mile for your friends.  Thank you.
  • Share a meal together with friends whenever possible.  Thank you.
  • A warm smile is our greatest fashion accessory.  Thank you.

Finally, when I consider breaking my juice fast this weekend (one of my favorite things I've done in a while, but needs a separate post on to itself) and perhaps have an adult beverage with friends, I am thinking the way I'd most like to honor my friends is in the true spirit of my favorite pub owner from Flanagan's Pub in Dayton....raising my glass to Christine, Pat, Monsignor Easton, and Petra..."May the road rise up to meet you.  May the wind always be at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields.  And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."I don't understand the "whys" of it all, but I do have faith that one day we will all be reunited in some amazing celebration and oh my gosh there better be beer and wine (hey, wine was at the wedding feast of Cana, it isn't a "stretch") and chocolate....and I will then lift my glass in gratitude for the many blessings I've learned from those who have gone before me.With peace.....