Posts tagged University of Dayton
How Music can Remind us who we are. Who we REALLY are.
PeaceMichelle WarrenGrateful Dead, Dead & Company, Dead & Co, John Mayer, Chicago, Wrigley Field, University of Dayton, music, peace, college, Theta Phi Alpha
When do we have it all figured out?
That Space where Faith & Belief in Self Converge
World Peace in an Inside Job
What would you do if you only had a few more hours to live?
2018. Be like the lobster.
Growthpeaceinthejourney2017, 2018, africa, change, courage, internet, madagascar, mission work, peace, sierra leone, strength, UD, University of Dayton, volunteering, vulnerability
5 Simple steps to "unlearn" Body Shaming
peaceinthejourneyaerobics, bikinis, body shaming, Cher, peaceful, running, shame, strong, University of Dayton, women, yoga
Best Graduation Advice Ever!
"Mom is college better than High School?"