What 'New Year's Resolution?' Did you quit already?
Have you forgotten already? Have you quit? Did you forget what you resolved to do in 2015? As each year begins, the moment that great big ball drops in NYC, we are often inspired to make life changes, to do things differently in the new year. However, with as much enthusiasm as we often muster up to make our declaration of this year's "new year's resolution", we are often met with this equally powerful, and harsh reality.....CHANGE IS HARD WORK! And at its core, change requires that we really look at ourselves and our life. Maybe in the examination, the truth of what we perhaps need to change is painful, or could further complicate our life in someway, or requires strength beyond measure we are willing to invest.Commitment to change of lifestyle, of career, of relationship status, of concept of self, of purpose in life...all require commitment, patience, and determination. I've used the following quote before in a previous blog, because it has motivated me greatly over the years (not because it was my "sorority quote", I can assure you I had NO idea what it really meant at the time)...."Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring." St. Catherine of Siena. Think about it in your own life....aspects of your life that really matter....did they come easily to you or did you have to work for them?When I think about my own life, the accomplishments that I'm most proud of are ones I had to really work for rather than those things that were given to me. For example....
On any given road race, you will see this sign somewhere......and it has become a motto of sorts for my life. I have run 4/5 marathons injured. In pain. And I've finished. I write this not as a "poor me" comment, I DON'T DO PITY of any sort. I say it for this reason ONLY.....if it is something you truly want in life.... then you CAN find the will inside you.So what are you committed to do in 2015? Do something GRAND! Make this your YEAR! Step outside your comfort zone and make a difference in yourself or the world around you!My 2015 Resolution list looks like this....First....the obligatory list....
- Get in better shape. Yes. Like the millions of others. But, I'm following a plan and committed. Plan + Commitment.
- Better manage my piriformis syndrome. Yoga and massage and no full marathons for me this year. Plan + commitment.
- Getting more organized in my mind, in my home, in my work, and in my life.....Ok that is a HUGE one but I've started with the help of a meditation, cleaning out my home, and the help of a brilliant business coach to help me move forward with a new business. Plan + commitment.
There. I hope I achieve all of them. Some of them. Part of them. With a plan + commitment, I'm more likely because when I get to the end of the year, I can actually see where I've been......Fantastic. Right? But what difference does all of that make if I'm not working towards the betterment of society on a larger scale?But what I'm REALLY committed to do....wait, what does that mean?So.....my commitment to myself and to others is simple: to volunteer my time/energy/talent in some way each month.
- Yesterday, I met with my former employer (a local charity) to donate time each week. Plan + commitment.
- I want to spread the word about one of my new fave charities that not supports one of the poorest countries in the world, it does so by selling beautifully handcrafted bags, purses, etc from the lovely women of this country. Want a totally unique and meaningful gift instead of the standard gift card for the next birthday or graduation party you go to? Visit www.amahoroburundi.org Plan + commitment.
- Talk about volunteering/charity work/mission work each month as a reminder to myself and to others of the importance of it in our world. And shhhh....remember, it does WAY more good for your heart and soul than it will EVER do for the charity/volunteer/mission work you do. Plan + commitment.
Found this quote and thought it was beautiful....and maybe a nice way to end blog with these thoughts...."I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater." Steve Maraboli May your words be kind and actions be loving in all that you do, and towards everyone your life touches today.Peace.....