Are you being lead by your Spirit or your Wound?
Saw this quote on today and it resonated powerfully with me, and intertwined with my original intent to write about our sometime willingness as humans to give the power of our own happiness away to others. Have you done this, given your power over your OWN happiness to someone else? In big and small ways, I observe others doing this and acknowledge my own struggle with this as well.
Wounds. We all have them. There isn’t a human on this planet who hasn’t been hurt in some way by people we have met alone our journey through life. In small ways, this may have shown up as being left out of an invite to go to the Winery with “friends.” May be these “friends” then posted about what fun they are having, unaware or uncaring about how it might feel for you or others to see these images. This wound can form from the hurt & can lead some to very dark spaces, believing you are less than, or not good enough to be deserving. Would you be lead then to move forward by your wounds and consequently self medicate, or retreat, or increase your negative self talk as a result?
Are you giving your happiness away to others, allowing them to determine the trajectory in your life?
Leaning into that wound, which is absolutely valid, continues to give the power of your own happiness to someone outside of you.
Rather, could you acknowledge the feelings, allow space to feel them (because it is crappy, and believe me, I have also been there and the feelings, suck….) but not stay stuck in them and have those emotions keep you in darkness……
Could you plan your own trip to a winery, gather a new tribe of friends/family and create your OWN blissful trip to taste delicious wines? Follow your spirit, let it guide you to the understanding that you are enough, you do not need anyone else to confirm this truth. Asking your spirit to guide you allows you to be in charge of your own happiness.
Or may be a relationship ended, and ended badly. We know not all relationships last, and while that can be painful, it is often more the way things end that adds additional trauma to the inevitable wound that may be left. Do you lean into that wound, allowing it to paralyze you from moving forward? Do you fuel that dialogue within you suggesting you aren’t worthy of love, or friendship or respect? Do you jump to another relationship to fill that void? Or allow it to push you further into a pit of despair? Are you allowing the way someone treated you in the end to turn your heart calloused and cold? Are your actions guided by your spirit or your wound/s?
Can you allow your spirit to guide you to a grounding space, to self reflect, to seek out comfort from friends/family who truly love you and want what’s best for you? Can you allow your spirit to move you forward with intention, and purpose, rather than merely running from the pain of the wound? I truly believe the Universe (or spirit or God or ….) has our back, if we allow ourselves to feel, but not stay stuck.
Staying stuck only fuels that negative inner dialogue. And feels really, really awful. It can shade every aspect of what we do, what we think, and how we behave. And truly, whoever or whatever has hurt or wounded you does not deserve that power of you and your life. Rather, the acknowledgement, and permission to feel and then the conscious decision, the intentional decision, to no longer give our own happiness to anyone outside of us is our path to freedom and happiness.
Helpful resources for your journey….
“No time like the present” Jack Kornfield
“Untamed” Glennon Doyle
Wishing you peace, and clarity on your own journey. And the knowledge if you allow it to be, your Spirit guide will be there with you every step of the way.