Reactions from the Presidential Debate 2020
In so many ways, this is EXACTLY the debate that one would expect in this train-wreck of a year.
I’m in the midst of writing my first book (on Inner & World Peace, stay tuned) and thus less time for blogging, but after last night’s debate…I just couldn’t “not” write.
I lasted 30 minutes. 30 minutes. I am still sick to my stomach.
How? How is this our President?
Yes…. I am doing that thing that can make me wildly unpopular, and really I don’t care. How is this the person “supporters” want for their President? I am a Pro-life democrat. Conception to natural death. I’ve been consistent, I have been vocal, I have been steadfast in my beliefs. But it does not “just” include birth. Considering only “birth” in my opinion is not adequate. It’s not enough.
The world was watching, and what is the message they were taking from this debate?
When people say:
“He’s tough. That is who we need as a leader of our country.” How is he different than a verbally abusive parent or partner? Insulting, talking over, belittling & threatening the fabric of our democracy, is that who you want leading our country?
“He’s pro-life.” Really? If you are referring to his “current” position regarding abortion, then Yes, He is aligning himself with the religious conservatives who place “pro-life” as THE issue that decides whether they will vote for a candidate or not.
However…. if you approve of separating children from their parents (and please do not say they are “illegals” as NO HUMAN is “illegal), if you think it’s okay for millions of people to NOT have access to quality health care if you think it’s alright to discriminate based on religion, race, and sexual orientation….then yes, you may be “pro-birth” but you are NOT pro-life! EVERY PERSON’s life has value. EVERY SINGLE PERSON has value in our world. You, as fellow humans, do not get to determine whose life has more value based on your own belief system.
EVERY HUMAN has value.
I would have been sent to my room and grounded if I ever behaved this way in public or private. How are we now okay with this behavior from a sitting President?
I pray for our country. I pray for peace. I pray for humanity.