Found My Elevator Pitch- Do you have yours?

As I have begun writing my first book, more questions than answers about why I am doing what I am doing and why it is important for the world have risen to the surface for me.

When I was the Program Director at Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit it was simple for me to respond to the proverbial question at “cocktail hour” (not that there currently is such a thing since we’re still in the midst of the pandemic) of “what do you do for a living?”

I was the Program Director and managed, organized and planned all the social/emotional support programs for adults and children diagnosed with cancer and their family members and friends. I supervised other social workers/counselors and psychologists as they facilitated groups. I planned lectures and workshops, and supervised staff who volunteered to facilitate said events. I helped plan social events, facilitated intake sessions for new members, and was in charge of the budget as it related to the program. I wore many hats, but people I met could understand thet I worked with people with cancer, and that seemed to be enough. They understood what I did.

Since then…I have struggled to explain what I do belong my “day job” which is really important and fulfilling but only a portion and not necessarily the most important work I am doing. I am a psychotherapist, that people know and understand. I work with women, predominately, but also persons of the lgtb-q community, chronic health/pain, and young adults. However, my day job is only part of my story and enables me to do what I am fiercely passionate about and transcends my “day job” that actually currently helps to pay my bills.

Last night as I laid awake, unable to get back to sleep…my mind was racing to today’s list of events…to the yellow jackets that have taken up residence outside my front door, to the electrical fire that is still in process of resolving/fixing, to the family members who are currently sick and trying to regain a sense of wellness….and my deep sense of compassion and empathy for those who are hurting around me in large and small ways. I felt this sense of dread, or fear and remembered…in these moments…THIS! This is my WORK!

Trying to find peace, and calm, and grounding when the whole entire world around me (and all of us) seems to be coming unhinged. I remembered why I started the process I am in, and why I write and teach and talk and educate on the principle of FINDING INNER PEACE in ALL of our lives. A dear/cherished friend of mine once referred to me as the future “spiritual leader of the free world.” A very endearing and obviously overly exaggerated title that was more a sweet sentiment than actuality. However, in these sleepless moments I reflected on this and realized why I do what I do, and what I would say if I was stuck in the elevator and asked “what do you do”….this is what I would say……

While I work as a psychotherapist, I am also a IWPA. What is an IWPA you ask? Well I am glad you asked! I am an Inner & World Peace Adovacate! Finally I can see it. I can see why I do what I do, my little place in the expansive world, and my mission going forward. I believe WORLD PEACE is only possible when we begin with INNER PEACE…and that…. is the work that I do. In my therapy office, in my blogging, in my tattoos (truth) and in my writing of my first (of many I hope) book!

Hope you will join me in this mission..and continue to click and subscribe to my blog..and drop me a message if you would like to discuss your own journey towards living a more peace-filled life. What brings you joy? What wakes you up in the middle of the night? Rather than get frustrated, listen…to the quiet sense of knowing and find your own Elevator Pitch!

Wishing you all a glorious and peaceful day!