An Unconventional Journey: Reaffirming my path through psychedelics GrowthMichelle WarrenOctober 10, 2023psychedelics, psychedelic assisted therapy, psilocybin, grief and loss, peace, spiritual healing, Catholicism, Roman Catholic, boxersComment
The things we do for the love of our fur-babies LoveMichelle WarrenJuly 2, 2020dogs, boxers, older animals, seizures, grief and lossComment
How fur-babies are more "perfect" than humans and the real FEAR in losing them.... LoveMichelle WarrenJune 15, 2020dogs, boxers, grief and loss, senior dogs, fear of loss, pandemicComment
Why can't the humans be more like a dogs? peaceinthejourneyJanuary 15, 2015boxers, dogs, golden retrievers, peace, petsComment
Peace.....and my love for my dog, Layla peaceinthejourneyOctober 7, 2013boxers, dogs, lessons in life, marathon tapering, peace, pets, runningComment