What if we are all energetically carrying traumas from previous generations?
I started reading a book on Chakras. As my best friend recently reflected to me, I have long been in a state of “seeking” and this is my latest endeavor to understand more the philosophy behind our energetic bodies and how to create balance in the physical body where my spiritual body currently resides.
Way out there? Perhaps… But in my own seeking, I am working on opening up to concepts and ideas that are largely accepted in other cultures for centuries, forcing me to re-examine my own biases and the roots of my at times narrow understanding of the world. If we can all agree that energy is neither created nor destroyed (based on the first law of thermodynamics), and we all can agree that we as humans are energetic beings, then why is this indeed such a “far out concept” for us in Western culture?
We believe many things we cannot see with a naked eye. Entire faith practices are rooted in a belief in something (or someone) we cannot see/touch/sense in any way other than in a spiritual sense, and if we agree on this truth, then this practice and understanding no longer seems all that “far out.”
I have had a chronic pain condition for over 12 years. Countless doctors, procedures, and medicines and I’m still talking about this pain issue. 12+ years later. At times it is almost undetectable. At times, the pain is so excruciating I am reduced to tears. Still. There is no logical explanation in terms of “did I strain it in my over-use?” The short answer is no. My original working concept per doctors was this “injury” was a result of overuse with marathon running. In 12 years, I do not see a correlation with this exercise or any exercise and my pain level. I’ve had to adjust to the reality that this, if I buy into what the Western trained doctors are telling me, is a chronic condition and one that I will likely (if I believe their limits in “treating” my condition) have for the rest of my life. I am not even 50 yet. That is a freaking overwhelming and scary concept and I am refusing to settle for “just deal with it.” I believe there is something more than I, and the doctors, are not seeing and therefore not even attempting to “treat.”
In 12 years, the only true relief I have had from the pain has been when I have stepped into the realm of “energetic healing”. A born skeptic, even I went into most paradigms of healing thinking it was not possible to reduce the pain with things like massage therapy, acupuncture, meditation (yes…simple but focused meditations). Yet, they have been the treatments that have been the most successful for me in reducing the pain.
The first time I heard the concept of intergenerational traumas as it relates to Chakras, I was not only overwhelmed, I literally wanted to block it out of my mind- shut it down- and run out of the room! I was in yoga, sitting with my own pain and feeling hopeless to ever be able to experience a life without pain. For 12 years, I have been trying to heal my own “traumas” and address my own “stuff”, and now, perhaps, I need to work on releasing the energy from previous generations' traumas to the Universe? What? How can any one person do this? But what if that is truly the point? What if we are ALL connected energetically and one person’s pain reverberates to another person and we carry it with us, through the womb, through out connections to other beings, through our work (I’m a psychotherapist, clearly I hear trauma all day long!), or in our travels throughout our life, as if we are picking up energetic road dust on our travels?
What first terrified and overwhelmed me is now offering me hope and possibility of healing. While I don’t understand the Chakras system or energetic healing with any sort of academic confidence, I am intrigued. I did my first lesson last night and could feel it shifting ever so slightly and my journey to dreamland for the first time (even if for a night) was not met with anxiety fueled from another night spent in pain, but rather nothingness…… stillness….. and a literal energy release I could FEEL from my body…
“Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose.” Bob Proctor
I have lived in fear most of my life. Today…. I’m choosing faith, in belief I can heal and live without pain.
What will you choose?