When Nothing Goes Right... Go Left! (Advice for the Graduating Class of 2020)
There is a sort of heaviness that looms over our house as the shelter in place continues to extend in our state, and my son is among those in the graduating class of 2020 wondering if he will be able to have a proper/traditional graduation ceremony and celebration. He is. This Thursday. We have heard countless times “it could be worse” and I have written on the dangers of comparative suffering but today I am switching gears to consider a more positive writing exercise and instead thinking about what I would say to the Graduating Class of 2020 if I was giving the key-note speech.
Know you are STRONGer than you believe you are. All seniors go through the phases of “senior-itis” longing for coursework to end, the year to fly by quickly so you can get to the “next big thing.” But your class, had this process interrupted with the year being abruptly ended in March. No sports, no spring play, no dances, no end of the year traditions. Yet, you continued with your coursework & discerning on your college offers or next year’s plans…all without the comfort of your HS faculty by your side, or camaraderie of your friends and classmates. You disciplined yourself to get through your last days of HS despite the worries and sadness around you due to the pandemic. YOU ARE STRONG. If anyone ever does anything along the way to make you doubt this, remember what you have already done thus far & reclaim your strength.
The Universe has your back. These days are TOUGH. You are right, they are! We see it in your eyes, as they once looked back at us with expected exhaustion from studies and activities, they now look back at us at times with uncertainty and sadness. But trust, class of 2020, in the Universe to support you in your journey and know there are bigger things planned for you that you don’t see in these moments. There will be laughter again, and fun, and lightness to your days. This is not the end. Rather, these events and these moments in time can be reminders for you to allow others to support you and to push yourself to do the work and to appreciate the moments you have with your loved ones and friends.
Be KIND. What has impressed me the most during this time is the kindness from others that has emerged during this crisis. Yes! Things are so difficult and sad, and we all feel that pain we see in your eyes. Collectively, we see it. And while we cannot control endings- with educational experiences, with jobs, or with relationships…. what we can control is how we react or deal with them. How things end - how we react- is the truest sense of our character. And for all of you in the graduating class of 2020, my hope for you is that you continue to value kindness and treat others and this situation (with all its frustrations, disappointments, heartaches) with a continued sense of kindness and compassion for all who are hurting around you. Be there for you friends, appreciate the sacrifices your parents have and will continue to make for you, and kindness to all those around you who are trying to help by softening the pain your are experiencing. We cannot take away the pain, emotionally or physically of another, but by all means we as humans do not have to contribute more to that pain by acting in an unkind/un-compassionate manner.
Dream! Often and much. SOMEONE has to dream first in order to achieve the seemingly impossible. The Steve Jobs, H3H3, JK Rowling, George Lucas, Post Malone, Maya Angelou, Gordon Ramsay, Christiano Ronaldo, or Walt Disney’s of the world started with a DREAM. Dream BIG! Please don’t let others define what you are capable or or the merit of your dream. Dreams come from the intentional, mindful space that allows you to think openly, freely about your next right steps, and truly anything is possible in this life. My hope for you is that you ALL out DREAM yourself and find bigger and more magnificent dreams to pursue.
Lastly, When Nothing seems to be going RIGHT, Go left! You will face more obstacles and adversity in your life. I wish I could assure you this would be it, you survived Covid, you’re good. Sadly, life offers us know assurance of fairness, of ease, or joy. We must create all of that for ourselves. If or more appropriately when things are not going right for you, know there are more doors and windows to open. BANG loudly. PUSH forward. NEVER EVER GIVE UP!
Wishing you all peace…. and knowing YOU (yes YOU) are capable of greatness! Have you seen the state of our world? We need YOU!