New Year's resolutions don't work. They don't. Sure, there are some random people who magically "lose that weight" or "get more financially savvy" in the New Year....but I've compiled a list of my "don't do's" for 2020.
Read MoreIf you are among those who believe Christmas is the most magical time of year you probably aren't going to read this post anyway, but I so wish you would. Perhaps more people would have increased compassion for those who don't celebrate Christmas and find those of us who do slightly obnoxious and insensitive in our merriment.
Read MoreMy childhood Thanksgivings were filled with tradition, most of which revolved around the patriarch and matriarch of our family, my grandparents. While the food spread looked similar to the above, the setting was far less fancy. My grandparents lived in a modest bi-level house, surrounded by old apple trees.
Read MoreI have a scheduled interview on an article I pitched: "Dating in the tech era...Some things are different while Some remain the same." Still working on the title.....My clinical practice includes a specialty working with young adults. I like to fancy myself a "kid or young adult at heart." However, my oldest son literally is a young adult now, so I can only live in denial for so long.
Read MoreCooler weather brings more mats in the yoga space, more mats bring more students, more students bring more distraction. My natural set point of having an overly active/wandering mind has been in overdrive. Even for me. Thus, even the holding of Warrior 2, a pose I see at nearly every yoga practice, feels unbearable. I twitch, move around, try counterposes sorta hoping no one else notices my fidgeting, desperately wanting to get out of the pain that resides in my body.
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