When the HOW of the ending matters most PeaceMichelle WarrenJune 28, 2020class of 2020, seniors, covid, heart break, endings of relationships, peaceComment
When the running "mentor" becomes the "mentee" GratitudeMichelle WarrenJune 27, 2020running, running marathons, yoga, friends, peace, COVID-19Comment
Why I decided to apply for CBS's Survivor GoalsMichelle WarrenJune 25, 2020CBS survivor, Survivor, fear, growth, peace, challenges, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ethan ZohnComment
What if we are all energetically carrying traumas from previous generations? BalanceMichelle WarrenJune 24, 2020chakras, energetic beings, intergenerational trauma, healing, peaceComment
Sitting with DISCOMFORT while learning to use my voice GrowthMichelle WarrenJune 23, 2020Berlin Marathon, pain, discomfort, codependency, peaceComment
In a "Civilized World"...how is the death penalty still a thing? LoveMichelle WarrenJune 22, 2020Just Mercy, death penalty, racism, peaceComment
Are you being lead by your Spirit or your Wound? GoalsMichelle WarrenJune 19, 2020spirit, peace, Glennon Doyle, Jack Kornfield, happinessComment
Letting go of all that is toxic in our lives GrowthMichelle WarrenJune 17, 2020toxic relationships, grief and loss, narcissists, pain from loss, letting go, peaceComment